Return to Restoration: Then and Now



1.     Historical Background (1880 – 1920)

a.     Daniel Somer – Indiana – followers were called Somerites – Daniel Somer was so strong against the Missionary Society that he took a position against almost everything that was different from the New Testament church.

                                                    i.     Schools, colleges, preacher training

                                                   ii.     Divided classes, Sunday School

                                                 iii.     Visual Aids, printed materials

                                                 iv.     Women teachers of small children

                                                  v.     Orphan homes, homes for elderly, etc.

b.     Carl Ketcherside – Missouri – Carl worked out of St. Louis. He influenced almost all of Missouri, Kansas, and much of the plains states.

                                                    i.     Locate preacher – favored mutual edification

                                                   ii.     Literature, visual aids

                                                 iii.     Many were one cup (some fermented wine)

                                                 iv.     Schools, Christian colleges

c.     The problem with learning their history centers in the fact that this was not an organized, planned and promoted teaching. Where Carl would go, he would teach his views. Many held to those views. Then, they began to divide and splinter among themselves over finer and finer points. All believed they were right. If they are right, then all others must be wrong. They could not remain in fellowship with error, so who they could fellowship continued to decrease.

d.     “It got down to just me and my wife, and I am not sure about her.”

2.     Statistics

a.     Approximately 25% of all congregations represent some uniqueness in some matter of doctrine.

b.     These churches are smaller than average so the membership in these churches is much less than 25%.

c.     “Where the Saints Meet” is published each year and is the most current list of churches of Christ congregations.

                                                    i.     There are some 1,900 congregations (15% of all churches) which are identified as “non-institutional.”

                                                   ii.     The non-institutional churches make up 57% of all non-mainstream congregations.

                                                 iii.     There are 150 mutual edification churches, mostly in Missouri. They believe each male member should be given an opportunity to edify the church – rather than a located preacher.

                                                 iv.     There are 45 congregations which claim to be of a “more progressive spirit.” They are more open to fellowship with denominations.

                                                  v.     Over 1,000 congregations teach opposition to the modern “Sunday School.” They are divided over the way in which the Lord’s Supper is served.

                                                 vi.     There are 531 “no class, multiple container” congregations.

                                               vii.     There are 554 “no class, one cup” congregations.

3.     The list of things that divide

a.     From “Where the Saints Meet” comes a list of the various ways that churches are designated. Some of these describe ethinic or languages spoken.

                                                    i.     There are 1,111 black churches

                                                   ii.     Languages – Korean, Chinese, Filipino, French, Spanish, American Indian, Laotian, Cambodian, Russian, Vietnamese

                                                 iii.     Military churches

                                                 iv.     Services signed for the hearing impaired and deaf congregations

b.     Then there are the doctrinal issues that divide us

                                                    i.     AD 70 – Subscribe to the view that the Lord’s coming and kingdom prophecies were fulfilled in AD 70.

                                                   ii.     Ch – Charismatic

                                                 iii.     E – More progressive spirit, with less attention to traditional issues and more openness to persons among the denominations

                                                 iv.     H – the belief in women must wear a head covering

                                                  v.     JO – Baptism must be in the name of Jesus Only

                                                 vi.     LS – Observe the Lord’s Supper on Saturday

                                               vii.     ME – Mutual Edification – oppose using a preacher to present most of the sermons, generally oppose institutions

                                              viii.     NB – No building – oppose ownership of property or buildings

                                                 ix.     NBHS – No building and baptize in the Holy Spirit

                                                  x.     NC – No bible classes

                                                 xi.     NCp – No class, but has a located preacher

                                               xii.     NI – Non-Institutional – oppose church support of institutions

                                              xiii.     OC – One cup in communion

                                             xiv.     OCa – One cup unfermented fruit of the vine

                                               xv.     OCb – One cup unfermented fruit of the vine and one loaf is broken before distribution

                                             xvi.     OCc – One cup fermented wine

                                            xvii.     OC+c – One cup in communion, but have Bible classes

                                           xviii.     PM – Premillennial

                                             xix.     PMm – Premillennial and oppose located preachers

c.     NOTE: These churches are smaller in size than the average congregation of the manstream churches. There are at least two reasons for this.

                                                    i.     They are built on a negative. A church which only exists to defend a negative can not grow. The best policy is to leave them alone and they will die.

                                                   ii.     There have been so many internal splintering and divisions within divisions. There are five different “One Cup” groups. There are no class groups who share one teaching with group A and another teaching with group B. They can not fellowship either group because of their association with the other group.

4.     Basic Issues

a.     Are these matters of doctrine?

b.     Should they be tests of fellowship?

c.     Do they involve making laws for God?

d.     Can I bind my views on others?

5.     Biblical Guidelines for Rule Binding (Colossians 2:16-23)

a.     Do not judge or allow yourself to be judged – 16-17

                                                    i.     Food, drink, holidays, Sabbath observance

                                                   ii.     These are matters of personal liberty

b.     Do not beguile or allow others to beguile you – 18

                                                    i.     “Beguile” – disqualify you from the race

                                                   ii.     Others are not your referee

                                                 iii.     Don’t let anyone rob you of the prize

c.     Do not reject Christ as head or claim to be head in His place – 19

                                                    i.     Jesus is the head of the church – Ephesians 1:22-23

                                                   ii.     He is the only one with authority to make rules for us to follow and obey.

d.     Do not write the rules for others or submit to rules imposed on you – 20-23

                                                    i.     Why let the world write your rules?

                                                   ii.     Rules like: Do not have. Do not enjoy. Do not go near.

                                                 iii.     Such rules are self-imposed by people who want their way; want to rule; want to have control.


Return to Restoration: Then and Now