Return to Restoration: Then and Now



The discussion of baptism centered on the issues of:

1       What must one understand before baptism?

1       What is NOT necessary?

1       Must one baptized as an infant be re-baptized?

1       Does it matter who performs the baptism?

1.     Plan of Baptism

a.     Original word – Baptidzo – to dip, plunge, immerse

b.     Biblical usage

                                                    i.     Romans 6:3-4

                                                   ii.     Colossians 2;12

c.     Examples

                                                    i.     Jesus Matthew 3:16

                                                   ii.     Eunuch Acts 8:36-39

                                                 iii.     John  John 3:23

2.     Purpose of Baptism

a.     Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit            Acts 2:38

b.     Forgiveness of sins                               Acts 2:38

c.     Become sons of God                             Galatians 3:26-27

d.     Be saved                                              1 Peter 3;21

e.     Become a child of Abraham                   Galatians 3:29

f.      Freed from sin                                      Romans 6:7

g.     Wash away sins                                    Acts 22;16

h.     Receive blessings in Christ          Ephesians 1:3

                                                    i.     Redemption            Colossians 1:13-14

                                                   ii.     Inheritance              Ephesians 1:11

                                                 iii.     Salvation                 2 Timothy 2:10

                                                 iv.     New Creature          2 Corinthians 5:17

                                                  v.     No Condemnation   Romans 8:1

i.       Contact the death of Christ                              Romans 6:3

j.       Begin a new direction                            Colossians 3:1-2

k.     Enter the body of Christ                         2 Corinthians 12:13

l.       Be a disciple                                         Matthew 28:18-20

3.     Person of Baptism

a.     Must receive the Word                          Acts 2:41

b.     Must believe the Word                           Acts 8:12

c.     Must be penitent                                   Acts 3:19

d.     Must confess faith in Christ                    Romans 10:9-10

4.     Re-baptism

a.     Original view – not needed

b.     Acts 19 was crucial here

c.     Baptism became a “test of fellowship” by 1823

5.     Administer baptism

a.     Reject distinction of a “clergy” vs. other members

b.     Baptism does not depend on the administrator

c.     Reject – Baptist view of “chain of succession”


Return to Restoration: Then and Now