Eph. 4:5 states that there is "one baptism." However, in the New Testament there are at least seven baptisms mentioned. Heb. 6:2 refers to the "doctrine of baptisms." How many baptisms are there?
N. T. Baptisms
Name Scripture Admin. Purpose
1. John's Baptism Matt. 3:11-12 John Prepare
Acts 19:1-5 for Jesus
Mk. 1:4; Lk. 3:3
2. Holy Spirit Lk. 24:49 Jesus Confirm
Ac. 2:1-ff the Word
3. Fire Matt. 3:11-12 Jesus Punishment
4. Moses I Cor. 10:1-4 God Deliver
from Egypt
5. Suffering Mk. 10:35-39 God Atonement
6. For Dead I Cor. 15:29 man Change the
destiny of
the dead
7. Great Comm. Mk. 16:16 man Salvation
Ac. 2:38
Which baptism (or baptisms) are vaild for us today?
How many baptisms are there?
What are the differences in these baptisms?
Could one be baptized in several of these ways and still NOT be "baptized?"
What about the "doctrine of baptisms" of Heb. 6:2?
Which ONE is the "one baptism" of Eph. 4:5?
"Baptism" - The word is of Greek origin. The Greek word is "baptidzo." It means to "dip, plunge, immerse, bury, submerge." In general usage, the word was used of anything dipped or submerged (dying cloth, washing dishes).
Keep in mind - the word "Baptism" means to dip. It does not include the thing to be dipped nor the element in which it is to be submerged.
1. John's Baptism
A. Administrator John
B. For whom Israel
C. Purpose Prepare the way for Jeus
D. Commanded Yes, for the Jew
E. Duration Till Jesus died on cross
F. Element Water
NOTE: John's baptism is not for us because it expired at the death of Christ. It was a baptism that required faith in the future death of Christ. Our faith is in the accomplished fact of his death on the cross.
2. Holy Spirit Baptism
A. Administrator God
B. For whom Apostles
C. Purpose Confirm the Word
D. Commanded No
E. Duration During their lifetime
F. Element Power of Holy Spirit
NOTE: Holy Spirit baptism was never commanded. It is always a promise. All the apostles had to do was wait for it to arrive.
NOTE: This is not the same as miracles. This is not the "gift of the Holy Spirit" of Acts 2:38. This is not what happened at the household of Cornelius. Only the apostles received this baptism.
3. Fire
A. Administrator God
B. For whom Lost, sinners, disobedient
C. Purpose Punishment of wicked
D. Commanded No
E. Duration Eternity
F. Element Fire
NOTE: Many today confuse this with the baptsim of the Holy Spirit. Two reasons: [1] Matt. 3:11 mentions both in the same verse. [2] On the day of Pentecost, there appeared cloven tongues "like as of fire." This was not the baptism of fire.
John explains that fire is for the chaff. It is to be swept out and burned with "unquenchable fire."
4. Moses
A. Administrator God
B. For whom Israel leaving Egypt
C. Purpose Freedom from slavery
D. Commanded No
E. Duration One time act
F. Element Water (cloud and sea)
NOTE: This is a symbolic reference to baptism. Lost slaves in Egypt were delivered to the promised land through a baptism (completely surrounded by the walls of water and the cloud) in the Red Sea.
5. Suffering
A. Administrator God
B. For whom Jesus
C. Purpose Atonement for our sins
D. Commanded No
E. Duration One time event
F. Element Pain and suffering
NOTE: Only Jesus could endure what had to be done here. Peter thought he could take it. He could not. He denied Jesus.
NOTE: Remember that the element is not included in the word "Baptism." Here the element is pain and suffering. Jesus would be surrounded, submerged and buried in suffering.
6. For the dead
A. Administrator Men
B. For whom Dead out of Christ
C. Purpose Change their destiny
D. Commanded No
E. Duration Never God's will
F. Element Water
NOTE: This is not a teaching of the New Testament. Paul was pointing out the total inconsistency of some at Corinth who denied the ressurection and yet were baptizing people now alive with a view to changing the destiny of those who are dead.
NOTE: Paul changes from "we" and "us" and "our" to talk about what "THEY" are doing. Paul was not endorsing this practice. He was showing the inconsitency in those who were doing this.
NOTE: There are three reasons for totally rejecting this practice.
[1] Great gulf fixed. Luke 16:26
[2] Judged by deeds done in this body. I Cor. 5:10
[3] Baptism alone does not save anyone. Faith, repentance, confession are also essentials.
7. Great Commission
A. Administrator Men
B. For whom All nations, all creatures
C. Purpose For the forgiveness of sins
D. Commanded Yes
E. Duration During Christian Age
F. Element Water
NOTE: This is the "one baptism" for us today. All others never applied to us. They were never commanded for us to obey or practice.