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  1. Do I occasionally find a mote in my brother's eye while ignoring the beam in my own eye? Matthew 7:3-5?
  2. Do I find more joy in giving than in receiving? Acts 20:35
  3. Am I putting my trust in the Lord or am I going beyond the borders of thoughtful concern and engaging in useless worry? Romans 8:28
  4. Is my word as good as my bond? Romans 12:17
  5. Have I daily manifested Christian friendliness toward visitors? Matthew 7:12
  6. Do I dress in modest apparel? 1 Timothy 2:9
  7. What kind of literature did I read last week? Would it build up a Christian or destroy his spirituality? Proverbs 23:7
  8. Have I dimmed my light of influence by drinking? Matthew 5:16
  9. Did I encourage gambling by the purchase of a lottery ticket or participation in a sports pool at work?
  10. Did I engage in any questionable entertainment? James 1:27
  11. Would I want Christ to find me in every place I went last month? Was my conduct compatible with Christianity? Matthew 24:42
  12. Did I take the name of the Lord in vain? Or did I use idle talk or slang? Exodus 20:7; Matthew 12:36-37
  13. Do I tell dirty jokes? Or do I laugh when someone else tells them? Colossians 4:6
  14. Am I humble? Or do I think to highly of myself? Romans 12:3
  15. Am I keeping the command to let my light shine before men? Matthew 5:16
  16. Did I forgive my brother who tresspassed against me? Matthew 6:15
  17. Did I return evil for evil? Romans 12:17
  18. Did I turn against a friend and return evil for good? Galatians 6:10
  19. Have I acted hypocritically by talking one way in the presence of one friend and by talking a different was in the presence of another friend? 1 Timothy 3:8
  20. Am I guilty of murder because of hatred in my heart toward someone? 1 John 3:15
  21. Have my attitudes toward those of the opposite sex been Christian? Matthew 5:28
  22. Did I help a needy neighbor when I could have helped? Galatians 6:10
  23. Did I say an unkind thing about anybody? James 4:11
  24. Did I spread gossip? Or did I lend my ears to gossip and thus encourage its circulation? Leveticus 19:16
  25. Did I become angry yesterday? Did I let the sun go down upon my wrath? Ephesians 4:26
  26. At anytime during the past week did I violate the Golden Rule? Matthew 7:12
  27. Would I want my child to do everything I did yesterday? Ephesians 6:4
  28. Have I, through jealousy, mistreated anyone? Romans 13:10; Proverbs 6:34
  29. Have I honored my parents that my days might be long on the earth? Ephesians 6:4
  30. Wives: Have I looked upon my husband just as a "bread ticket: instead of one to work with and help? Genesis 2:18
  31. Husbands: Have I looked upon my wife just as someone to keep house for me? Colossians 3:19
  32. Have I used insincere words to gain selfish ends? Have the words of my mouth been contrary to the sentiments of my heart? Romans 3:13
  33. Did I lie to put over a business transaction? Colossians 3:9
  34. Have I placed the church above every other institution and thing in the world? Matthew 6:33
  35. Do I stay out so late on Saturday night that I am not in physical condition to worship in "spirit and truth" on Sunday? John 4:24
  36. Do I purpose in my heart each week what I should give to the Lord on the Lord's day? 2 Corinthians 9:7
  37. Did I refuse to defend the church when it was attacked? Philippians 1:16
  38. Have I contended earnestly for the faith? Or have I taken an attitude that it makes no difference? Jude 3
  39. Do I invite someone to church each week? Proverbs 11:30
  40. Wives: Did I so arrange my household duties last week that I could attend Bible study and worship Sunday morning? Matthew 19:29
  41. Have I attended worship faithfully? Or have I forsaken the worship of the church? Hebrews 10:25
  42. Do I take my child to church? Or do I send him? Proverbs 22:6
  43. Have I been more interested in my own amusements and social affairs than in the work of the church? Mark 8:36
  44. Did I read and study my Bible yesterday? 1 Timothy 4:13
  45. Did I pray yesterday? 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  46. Did I visit the sick? Matthew 25:36-46
  47. Did I make an effort yesterday to restore the fallen? Galatians 6:1
  48. Do I look for opportunities to preach the gospel to lost souls? Mark 16:15
  49. Am I a lover of the world more than a lover of God? 2 Timothy 3:4
  50. Have I been irreverent around the Lord's table? 1 Corinthians 11:27
  51. Did I yesterday, in an effort to impress wicked people, act meaner that I really am? Matthew 26:69-75
  52. Am I cooperative? Can I work well with others? 2 Corinthians 6:1
  53. Am I making spiritual growth as a child of God? 2 Peter 2:2
  54. Did I yesterday count all things loss to gain Christ? Philippians 3:7
  55. Am I guilty of saying and not doing? Matthew 23:3
  56. Have I become weary in well-doing? Galatians 6:9
  57. Am I selfish and self-centered? Philippians 2:4
  58. Am I guilty of avenging myself? Romans 12:19
  59. Has my conduct hindered the gospel of Christ? 1 Corinthians 9:12
  60. Am I earnestly striving each day to open my life more completely to God and his way of life? Am I? "Is it I, Lord?" Matthew 26:22

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