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1. How much do you have to know before baptism?

  1. You are lost in sin.
  2. Jesus died for your sins.
  3. How you should respond to Jesus' offer.
  4. You don't have to know:
    1. all doctrine
    2. all the answers
    3. all that is involved in Christian living

  5. Christian life is one of GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT
  6. Look at the examples in the New Testament -
                    HOW MUCH DID THEY KNOW ----
                    1. Pentecost?                        Ac. 2
                    2. Lydia?                        Ac. 16
                    3. Phil. jailer?                        Ac. 16
                    4. Cornelus?                        Ac. 10
                    5. Samaritans?                        Ac. 8
                    6. Ethiopian treasurer?                 Ac. 8

  7. There is no "test" that has to be passed. There are no pre-conditions other than 1] faith in Jesus Christ, 2] repentance and 3] confession before men.

2. What about "re-baptism?"

  1. Is there such a thing?
    1. If first is valid - no need for second.
    2. If first was not valid - never been baptized.
    3. Baptism is a "one time" event. It does not need to be repeated each time we learn something new or each time that we sin.

  2. When should one be buried in water again?
    1. If you know it was for the wrong motive.
      1. friends
      2. nagging wife
      3. in troubled
      4. helath problems
      5. fiance / girlfriend / boyfirend

    2. If you know it was for the wrong purpose.
      1. to join the church
      2. to have religion
      3. because already saved

    3. Just not sure of your salvation.

    4. Study case in Acts 19.

    5. I would rather baptize an 11 year-old and have them decide at 21 that they did not have the right motive -than - to ask them to wait until they were sure. I have seen too many parents with 16 year-olds that were not Christians and the parents could not get them to come to church. I would rather err on the side of "too soon" than "too late".

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