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Ephesians 3:10

The Universal Church
  1. Why did Jesus build it?
  2. What is its mission and purpose?
  3. Is the church fulfilling its mission on earth?

The Local Congregation of the church
  1. What is its purpose and mission?
  2. Why are we here? Why this building?
  3. Are we doing what our mission is?
  4. Talk about the "Church of God Grill"
  5. I Kings 20:40 "busy here and there"
  6. Have we lost our direction and purpose?

Discuss this:

Church growth is not the purpose of the church; it is the result of the church fulfilling its purpose. The mission of the church is to effectively proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. When the local church can verbalize its mission (purpose) with effective programming, growth will occur. The result of a clear mission vision for the congregation is church growth."
Focus on Leadership, John Samples
Why has the mission of the church been neglected?

  1. Many think evangelism is too hard. Too much to learn. Too much to know. Preach "Every Christian must bear fruit" Then tell them we will have 12 weeks of training to show you how.

  2. Confusion exists over too many methods. Which is best? Which should you use? Quit debating tools and start using one of them.
    1. We attend the workshops and seminars.
    2. We learn another method - don't use it.

  3. Many feel the lost are not really lost. "God is love. He would not send them to hell for not obeying His Word."

    Think about this:
        1. Who will be lost?
        2. Who will be saved?
        3. Are those who do not know - saved or lost?
        4. Will preaching Jesus cause them to be lost?

  4. We think that good intentions are better than obedience. One can be honest and sincere and still be wrong. "She is not a member of the chruch but she is a good Christian woman." A "good" denominationalist is like a "good" drug pusher.

                    1. I Samuel 15:22
                    2. Isaiah 1:11-14
  5. We do not rebuke the sin of denominationalism.
    1. I Corinthians 1:10-13
      1. Does God approve of denominations?
      2. Does God rebuke those who speak differently?
      3. Group A says yes, group B says no.
      4. Are both of them right?
      5. Does God approve of Apollosite Christians and Paulite Christians?

    2. I Corinthians 3:4-5
      1. Would it be a sin to say, I am of _____?
      2. Ephesians 4:4; 1:22-23
      3. How many bodies are there?
      4. Is the body and chruch the same?
      5. How many churches are there?

    3. Matt. 16:18
      1. How many churches did Jesus promise to build?

    4. We tend to exalt human needs and cares.
      1. Luke 4:25-30
      2. Many widows needed help
      3. Many lepers died
      4. But, the Word of the Lord was preached!

    5. Lost our focus and vision
      1. Restoration Movement
      2. Turn inward - serve ME rather than serve others
      3. Busy with things that don't matter.
      4. Busy with polishing the tools.

    Let's get a clear picture of the purpose of this church.
    1. Will you examine the following and make it your statement of purpose?
    2. The members of churches of Christ want to be a Christ-centered congregations committed to:
      1. Leading people to a life-changing faith in Christ Jesus.
      2. Nurturing each other in that faith.
      3. Developing and deploying ourselves in service and ministry to local community and around the world.

        1. Christ-centered
        2. Life-changing faith
        3. Nurturing
        4. Service and ministry
        5. Around the world

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