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Questions for Discussion

Can I attend an "anti" congregation?

1. What is an "anti" congregation?
        A. History -
                1] Daniel Somer - Somerites in Indiana
                2] Carl Ketcherside - St. Louis area
        B. During the early 50's
        C. Objected to use of church funds for:
                1] Orphans Homes, Homes for Aged
                2] Assist in benevolence "saints only"
                3] Evangelistic co-operation
                        Hearld of Truth, Amazing Grace
                4] Sponsoring church in mission work
                5] Other matters:
                        Eating in the church building, weddings and funerals in the church building, literature, visual aids, colleges, classes, etc.
        D. NOTE: All of us are "anti" something. Let's stop using labels. They are opposed to church support of institutions. Let's call them "non-institutionalists"

2. Are the members of such churches - Christians?
        A. Yes. Salvation, worship, organization are same.
        B. Do I agree with them on this point? NO!
        C. Basic objection is: They are writing a law that God did not write. We can go to either extreme in the conservative/liberal thinking.
                1] Liberal = Not obey the laws God did make
                        "         = Looses what God has bound
                2] Conservative = Make laws for God
                        "                 = Binds what God has loosed

What is the difference in status and condition of an erring child of God and a faithful child of God?

1. Define:
        A. Erring = in sin, accident or rebellious Vine says, "To cause to wander, lead astray, deceive, to be led astray"
                1] James 5:19-20
                2] Gal. 6:1
                3] II Peter 2:20-22
        B. Faithful = full of faith, active faith Vine says, "To be trusted, reliable"
                1] Col. 1:2 "saints AND faithful brethren"
                2] See also Col. 1:7; 4:7; 4:9
                3] Titus 1:6 "faithful children"
        C. Parable of Prodigal Son. (Luke 15)
                1] Was the elder brother a faithful child?
                2] Was the younger son an erring child?

2. When is one a child of God?
        A. Gal. 3:26-27
        B. John 1:12
        C. Romans 8:14-16
        D. I John 3:1-2

3. Can one be NOT a child of God after becoming a child?
        A. Once a child of God - Always a child of God?
                1] Study these passages:
                        a] Romans 1:24, 26, 28
                        b] Romans 10:1-3
                        c] Romans 11:17-23
                        d] John 15:1-8
        B. One can become:
                1] unfaithful - in practice and work
                2] erring - in sin or teaching
                3] cut off, disinherited
        C. No "child of God" is going to be in Hell. Some in hell will be "former" children of God.

4. What does a "faithful" child of God have?
        A. Assurance                B. Knowledge
        C. Confidence                D. Eternal Life

5. What does an "erring" child of God lack?
        A. All of the above
        B. The source of supply and strength is cut off
        C. The power of the Holy Spirit is quenched

Could there be life on other planets; on other solar systems; in other galaxies?

1. What is life?
        A. Plant
        B. Microscopic, germ, bacteria
        C. Animal
                1. Study the words "soul" and "spirit"
                2. Gen. 6:17; 7:21-23

        D. Intelligent life
                1. Bumper sticker, "Beam me up Scotty. There is no intelligent life on this planet."
                2. Story of Martians at the gas station.
                3. Our responsibility is to preach the gospel. "Life" to the Christian has to do with those able to understand and believe the gospel.

        E. Communication is a key factor.
                1. Preacher said, "I grew up in the city and never saw a pig until I met my wife."
                2. "For sale, German shepherd dog, will eat anything, especially fond of children."
                3. "For sale, an oak table, by an elderly lady, with wooden legs."

2. Is such possible?
        A. Gen. 1:1 "Heavens and earth"
                1. In all passages in O. T. "heavens" is plural
                2. The singular is not used in O. T.
        B. What about all the strange sightings?
                1. Drawings
                2. Photos
                3. Personal accounts
        C. Time-Life book series
                1. Landing pads
                2. Peru - air strip
                3. England - Stonehinge
        D. Nashville councilman - "Welcome" sign
        E. "Chariot of the Gods" Eric Van Dankien

3. What if there is life discovered on Mars?
        A. Mark 16:15-16 is still true.
        B. Matthew 28:19 is still valid.
        C. If intelligent life were discovered:
                1. We should treat them with respect
                2. Try to communicate with them
                3. Teach them the gospel of Christ

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