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Objective Guilt - One may have this type of guilt and not be aware of it. Objective guilt exists apart from our feelings. It occurs when a law has been broken.
    1. Legal guilt - Laws of city, state or nation.
    2. Social guilt - Manners, acceptable conduct.
    3. Personal guilt - Self-imposed rules.
    4. Theological guilt - Violation of God's law.

Subjective Guilt - This is the uncomfortable feeling of regret, remorse, shame which often comes when we have done or thought something which we feel is wrong.
    1. They can be strong or weak.
    2. They can be appropriate or inappropriate.

The Bible and Guilt
    1. Constructive Sorrow - 2 Cor. 7:8-10
    2. Sorrow of the world
    3. Sorrow according to the will of God
    4. Divine forgiveness
    5. Repent.
    6. We must forgive others.
    7. Pray to God.

Comparison chart. Examine this chart which shows the difference in constructive sorrow and psychological guilt.
Physiological Guilt Constructive Sorrow
Person in Focus Yourself God or others
Attitudes in focus Past deeds Damage done to others
Motivation for change Avoid guilt Help others, do God's Will
Attitude toward self Anger and frustration Love and respect
Result a) external based on love and respect
b) Stagnation
c) Paralyzed by guilt and fear
d) Furthe
Repentance and change

The Causes of Guilt

    1. Past learning and unrealistic personal expectations
    2. Inferiority and social pressure
    3. Faulty conscience development

The Effects of Guilt
    1. Defensive reactions - Avoid, blame, angry at others, justify, deny responsibility, apologize.
    2. Self-condemnation reactions - Anxiety, inferiority, feel inadequacy, martyr, "poor-little-me".
    3. Social reactions - Self-critical, alienation, loneliness.
    4. Physical reactions - Anxiety, stress, physical pain, self-punishment.
    5. Repentance and forgiveness - Accept mistakes, Grow from them, Confess to God, rest content in the assurance of forgiveness.

Preventing guilt.
    1. Emphasize the doctrine of forgiveness.
      1. God does not condone our sin.
      2. He does understand our weakness.
      3. Study the words - Grace, Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Remission.
    2. Teach parents that children learn not only what we teach; they also learn from the attitude of the parents.
      1. Rigid, condemning, demanding, unforgiving.
      2. Loving, firm, fair, understanding, forgiving.
    3. Teach how to develop our conscience.
      1. 1 John 3:18-21.
      2. Romans 14:23.
      3. 1 Peter 3:21.
      4. Acts 24:16.
      5. Romans 2:15.
      6. Hebrews 9:13-14.
    4. Issue of obedience.
      1. Dealing with guilt does not require us to lower the standards. (Woman at the well)
      2. God's standards are perfect and He never settles for imperfection. ("Sin no more.")
      3. We must: [1] Correct the past; [2] Avoid repetition; [3] Determine to learn from our sins.

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