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1. Hospital Visiting

1. When to visit
        A. Emergencies- as soon as you can get there
        B. Operations -
                1] 1 hour before they go to surgery.
                2] 4 days after the surgery.
        C. General visits -
                1] shortly after lunch or supper
                2] during visiting hours - obey hospital rules
        D. Learn hospital procedure and rules.

2. Length of stay
        A. 30 seconds to 3 hours.
        B. Here are the rules:
                1] No longer than the need requires.
                2] No longer than the patient can stand.
                3] Err on the side of brevity.

3. What to do
        A. Prayer
                1] Not a long prayer.
                2] Be specific about their needs.
                3] Remember the other patient in the room.
        B. Scripture
                1] Not about death.
                2] Passages of hope and comfort.
                3] Not a whole chapter.
                4] Read a few verses and discuss them.
        C. Visit
                1] The word "visit" means "Look for ways to help."
                2] Seek to make them comfortable -
                        a) Fluff pillow
                        b) Wash PJ's
                        c) Adjust their covers
                3] Run errands for them -
                        a) Get mail for them
                        b) Pay some bills
                        c) Get them a magazine or newspaper
                        d) Water their plants
        D. Conversation
                1] Keep it positive
                2] Don't tell about others with the illness who died.
                3] Let the patient set the tone
                        a) If serious - don't make jokes
                        b) If light - keep it that way
                4] Do not ask what their problem is!
                        a) They will tell- if they want you to know
                        b) Let them decide when to talk about it
        E. Touch them - be cautious of IV needles

2. Special Situations

  1. Shut-ins and convalescents
            A. Understand
                    1] This is not a crisis situation.
                    2] They have lots of time on their hands.
            B. What to do
                    1] Bring time consuming materials
                    2] Plan to stay 20 - 45 minutes
                    3] Explain why you can not stay longer
                    4] Avoid gossip
                            a) Rule: Tell either "who" or "what"
                            b) Rule: I do not have the right to reveal such information. You will need to check with the family.
                            c) Use the word "Gossip" - "I'm afraid that would get into the area of gossip."

  2. Children
            A. Bring a small, quiet toy or book
            B. Visit the child - not mom and dad
            C. By phone - speak to the child
            D. Cards - address to the child
            E. Let the child know that they are important.

  3. Contagious diseases
            A. Us the telephone
            B. Use the mail
                    1] Letters or notes are best
                    2] Cards with note is OK
            C. In hospital - Use caution
                    1] Wear special garments and mask
                    2] Keep the visit short
                    3] Don't touch the sick person
                    4] Wash hands and face as soon as you leave

  4. Those near death
            A. Talk softly
            B. Rule: NEVER tell them they are dying.
                    1] You do not know for sure.
                    2] NEVER take away their hope.
            C. You must deal with the possibility of death
                    1] If they are confident - read scriptures of hope
                    2] If doubts arise - talk about grace, forgiveness
            D. Remember that in this patient is:
      1. Pain
      2. Sorrow
      3. Worry
      4. Weakness
      5. Anger
      6. Guilt
      7. Fear
      8. Doubt
      9. Frustration
      10. Grief

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