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(From the list of "One Hundred Do's and Don'ts for Young Ministers" by Paul Rogers, Centerville, Tennessee.)

  1. Keep good reading material in the den, on the car seat.
  2. Have a good sermon illustration file.
  3. Maintain a prospect list.
  4. Keep an up-to-date church calendar.
  5. Set staff goals and have periodic check-ups.
  6. Work to build a church library.
  7. Maintain an atmosphere of warm welcome in the church.
  8. Give special attention to children and call them by name.
  9. Get regular, exercise every day.
  10. Visit every family in the congregation sometime.
  11. Write letters of commendation and congratulations.
  12. Write letters of concern and sympathy.
  13. Write letters of welcome to newcomers in the community.
  14. Make full use of the telephone to contact and exhort.
  15. Make a definite list of things to accomplish at a particular place.
  16. Involve every member possible in some particular facet of the work of the church.
  17. Do not be out of the pulpit more than six to eight Sundays a year.
  18. Expect numerical growth but do not worship at the altar of statistics.

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