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(Adapted from Tom Worstell)

1. In the hymn, "I Gave My Life For Thee," the first verse says, "That thou might'st ransomed be, and quickened from the dead." What does quickened mean?
        a. to die sooner than expected [go to #5 if you pick this answer]
        b. made alive from the dead [go to #6 if you pick this answer]
        c. rescued from the "living dead" [go to #7 if you pick this answer]

2. Correct! 5 points! "Foul" means dirty! Remember the hymn, "Let The Lower Lights Be Burning"? What are the lower lights?
        a. a lighthouse dimmed at night [go to #12]
        b. lights lit on shore in addition to lighthouse [go to #4]
        c. "Lower" is an island off the English coast which the author was familiar with [go to #12]

3. Sorry! 0 points. Drop back to #2 for the correct answer and keep going.

4. What a good sailor you'd make! 5 points. Hope you get the next one right too. Go to #13 and see.

5. Sorry. "b" was the right answer. You get 0 points. Go to #6 and start over.

6. Good, you get 5 points if you guessed "b" the first time. Now try this one from "Rock of Ages". "Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee, let the water and the blood, from Thy riven side which flowed..." What do the words cleft and riven mean?
        a. cleft means the same as "left" and riven means "attacked" [go to #8]
        b. cleft means "chiseled out or made" and riven means "a great outpouring or gush [go to #8]
        c. they both mean the basically the same thing [go to #9]

7. Sorry, you've been watching too many horror movies. Go to #6 and try again, but with no points for this one.

8. Sorry, wrong. Don't dispair, instead go to #9. You'll do better this time.

9. "C" was correct. 5 points for getting it on the first try. Speaking of "Rock of Ages", the third stanza says, "Foul, I to the fountain fly." What does the author mean by that?
        a. "Dirty," I hasten to the fountain [go to #2]
        b. Foul is an archaic term meaning "late" [go to #3]
        c. a word of poetic license to fill in a gap of a poem or song when needing one word [go to #3]

10. It sounded good, didn't it? But it was wrong. Go back and pick another answer.

11. Good guess ... but wrong. Go back and pick another answer.

12. Wrong You should be made to walk the plank! "B" was the right answer. Try again with #13.

13. In the hymn, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," it declares, "Til, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home, and take my flight." Why is reference made to Mount Pisgah?
        a. the author was a Mormon and in 1847, Joseph Smith had a vision that Mount Pisgah would be the site of the second coming [go to #10]
        b. Mount Pisgah is where Moses got to view the promised land before he died [go to #14]
        c. Mount Pisgah is the Old Testament name for the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended into heaven [go to #11]

14. Right! Rate yourself 5 points if got it right on the first try. Here's the last question. "The First Noel" is often sung in December. What does noel mean?
        a. it is a term referring to Christmas [go to #15]
        b. it comes from the French meaning "birthday" [go to #15]
        c. it is used as an expression of joy [go to #15]

15. You couldn't lose on that last one. All three answers are correct. Give yourself 5 points.


0 - 5        Take a song book home and study!
5 - 15        Not too bad!
20 - 30        Want to preach next Sunday?
35 - 50        You cheated. There were only six questions. 30 points is the most you could make on this test.

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