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1. Was there a specific name for the church in the N. T.?
- No. The name was not a factor then.
- Today, it is an important factor.
- Many names are Biblical.
- Would cause confusion in the world.
2.What are some of the Biblical titles of the church?
- Church of Christ
- Church of God
- Church of Jesus Christ
- Church of the Firstborn
- Christians
- Church of the Living God
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Kingdom of God
- Body of Christ
- Church of the Brethren
- House of God
- Flock of God
3. What are some descriptive terms of the members?
- Christians
- Members
- Saints
- Brethren
- Disciples
4. What if we took down the sign that said "Church of Christ" and put up ....?
- Church of God
- Church of Jesus Christ
- Christians meet here
5. Should the word "Church" be captialized?
- Yes, when used in a specific title.
- No, when reference is made to the church universal.
6. Should be "Christians" only?
- Yes. Wear the name of Christ. Acts 4:12, Eph. 3:15
- Not in title.
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