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1. Was there a specific name for the church in the N. T.?

  1. No. The name was not a factor then.
  2. Today, it is an important factor.
    1. Many names are Biblical.
    2. Would cause confusion in the world.

2.What are some of the Biblical titles of the church?

  1. Church of Christ
  2. Church of God
  3. Church of Jesus Christ
  4. Church of the Firstborn
  5. Christians
  6. Church of the Living God
  7. Kingdom of Heaven
  8. Kingdom of God
  9. Body of Christ
  10. Church of the Brethren
  11. House of God
  12. Flock of God

3. What are some descriptive terms of the members?

  1. Christians
  2. Members
  3. Saints
  4. Brethren
  5. Disciples

4. What if we took down the sign that said "Church of Christ" and put up ....?

  1. Church of God
  2. Church of Jesus Christ
  3. Christians meet here

5. Should the word "Church" be captialized?

  1. Yes, when used in a specific title.
  2. No, when reference is made to the church universal.

6. Should be "Christians" only?

  1. Yes. Wear the name of Christ. Acts 4:12, Eph. 3:15
  2. Not in title.

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