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1. Should we sing "Christmas" songs during a worship service in the month of December?

    1. Are the songs WRONG?
    2. Are we practicing the opposite of what we preach?
    3. Why don't we sing them any other time of the year?
    4. Apply same points to "Easter".

2. Can Christians observe "Christmas" in any way?

    1. Decorate a tree
    2. Exchange gifts
    3. Family togetherness
    4. Send cards of greeting
    5. Decorate house with lights
    6. Say, "Merry Christmas"

3. How should the Christian treat December 25th?

    1. Like any other day of the year.
    2. Special for the family - but secular only.
    3. Special for the family and as a religious day.
    4. Celebrate as the birth of Christ.

4. Discuss: Christians and ---

    1. Veterans Day
    2. Halloween
    3. Thanksgiving Day
    4. St. Valentine's Day
    5. St. Patrick's Day
    6. New Years Day
    7. Independence Day (Fourth of July)
    8. Labor Day
    9. President's birthdays (Feb.)
    10. Memorial Day
    11. Flag Day
    12. Columbus Day

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