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Where did the Black race come from?
  1. NOTE: Why interest in Black? Where did White come from? Yellow? Red? Brown?
  2. We assume that God is white.
  3. We assume that Adam and Eve were white.

1. All men came from Adam and Eve        Gen. 3:20
  1. We do not know the color of their skin.
  2. It is not important to know.
  3. Marshall Keeble (a black evangelist) had this explanation. "Man was made from the dust of the ground. There is red dust. There is black dust. There is brown dust."

2. All men descend from Noah
  1. I Pet. 3:20 eight souls were saved by water
  2. Gen. 7:21-23 all died...every man
  3. We do not know the color of Noah.

3. Follow the three sons of Noah
        A. Gen. 10:5 divided in their lands
        B. Shem - Gen. 10:22 Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram
                1. Hebrew nation came from Shem through Arphaxad
                2. Arphaxad - Chaldea or Babylon
                3. Elam - Persia
                4. Asshur - Assyria
                5. Lud - Lydia (now known as Turkey)
                6. Aram - Syria
        C. Ham - Gen. 10:6 Cush, Mizraim, Phut, Canaan
                1. Cush - Ethopia
                2. Mizraim - Egypt along the Nile River
                3. Phut - Libya (northern Africa)
                4. Canaan - Palestine (now known as Israel)
        D.Japeth - Gen. 10:2 Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan,
                Tubal, Meshech, Tiras
                1. Gomer - Russia
                2. Magog - China
                3. Madai - Media (Persia)
                4. Javan - Greece (islands), Italy, Spain
                5. Tubal - Iraq
                6. Meshech - Iran
                7. Tiras - Greece (Thrace)

4. All races developed as these people were:
  1. Scattered by distance
  2. Separated by language
  3. Distinguished by customs
  4. Developed separate cultures

5. Discuss: The curse of Ham.
  1. It was not a curse on Ham and all his sons.
  2. It was not on Cush or Mizraim or Phut (Africa)
  3. It was on Canaan. The Canaanites were to serve as slaves to Israel.
    1. This happened in Joshua 9:3-27
    2. They tricked Joshua into a peace treaty.
    3. Punishment - 20-21, 26-27

6. Discuss:        Were Moses or Solomon black?
  1. No. They were both Jews.
    1. Moses of the tribe of Levi.
    2. Solomon of the tribe of Judah.
  2. Moses married an Ethiopian woman Num. 12:1
  3. David had a ruddy complexion I Sam. 16:12,17:42
  4. Song of Solomon 1:5-7
    1. Means dark, suntanned
    2. Refers to Solomon's bride
    3. Reason for darkness is - work in noon sun

7. Discuss:        Are inter-racial marriages OK?
    All discussion in the Bible related to whom on can or cannot marry revolves around two areas.
    1. Religion
      1. I Kings 11:1-13
      2. Deut. 7:1-4
    2. Previous divorce
      1. Matt. 5:32
      2. Matt. 19:9
    3. Only one case of inter-racial marriage in the Bible
      1. Numbers 12:1-15
      2. Moses married a woman from Ethiopia
      3. Aaron and Miriam objected
      4. They were struck with leprosy
      5. Moses pleaded for their lives
      6. They were healed and returned to the camp

8. Discuss:        Will there be blacks in heaven?
  1. All the saved will be in heaven.
  2. Acts 8 records the salvation of an Ethiopian
  3. If you have a problem with blacks in Heaven - don't worry. You will not see any there. YOU WILL NOT BE THERE.
  4. James 2:8-9 do not show partiality
  5. James 2:1 do not worship with partiality
  6. Jude 16 "in admiration because of advantage"
  7. Acts 10:34-35 "every nation"
  8. Mark 16:15 "every creature"
  9. Rev. 5:9, 7:9 every tribe, tongue people, nation

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