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TITLE: Binding and Loosing


What are some things that are BOUND?


            REQUIRE, DEMAND


What are some things that are LOOSED?




1.     Matthew 16:19

2.     Matthew 18:18

3.     Bind = prohibit, forbid – what God allows.

4.     Loose = permit, allow – what God binds.


Two Trends in our Thinking

1.     Loose what God has bound

a.     Women preachers, elders

b.     Form of baptism is unimportant

c.      Instrumental music is allowed in worship

d.     Communion on Thursday or Saturday

e.     Accept into fellowship some NOT baptized

2.     Bind what God has loosed

a.     Suit and tie at worship

b.     Communion before the sermon

c.      Order of worship - # of songs, # of prayers,

d.     Often what we had done for years = THE ONLY WAY

3.     EXAMPLE: A man I baptized and performed his marriage

a.     Trying to preach, teach and lead a church.

b.     Wrote to me about an issue he is having.

                                                              i.      What to do with the left-over bread and juice in communion

                                                            ii.      DO NOT just throw it away. It is the body and blood of Christ.

                                                         iii.      Carryover from Catholic of Trans Substantiation (bread and juice
literally become the body and blood of Christ

c.      How would you respond?


4.     Two trends in our thinking today

a.     Loose what God has bound (commanded)

b.     Bind what God has loosed (allowed)

5.     God has left many details up to us

a.     NOT what we have always done.

b.     NOT what I like or prefer

c.      BUT what is best for this church

d.     BUT what adjustments need to be made

6.     Details left up to us

a.     How many songs to sing

b.     Communion early in worship / late in worship

c.      How to offer communion on Sunday PM

d.     Time to meet for worship

e.     How many songs to sing

f.       Bible class before or after the worship

g.     Communion

                                                              i.      People come to the table to partake

                                                            ii.      Pass trays to people in their seat

                                                         iii.      Pick up communion sets before worship

h.     Communion on Sunday night

                                                              i.      Go to separate room

                                                            ii.      Stay in auditorium

                                                         iii.      Not offer at all

7.     God has laws

a.     Romans 7:22, 25

b.     Romans 8:7

8.     God’s law is Supreme / Not our opinions

a.     In matters of opinion – LIBERTYQ

b.     In matters of law – UNITY

c.      In all things - LOVE




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