1. Important Scriptures to study.
1 Corinthians 5:5-13
2 Thessalonians 3:6; 14-15
1 Timothy 6:3-5
2 John 9-11
Matthew 18:15-17
2 Corinthians 2:6-8
2. Understand the subject and the purpose.
A. Discipline does not mean to punish.
B. It means to teach, instruct, explain, correct.
C. I may be mild, "Here is a better way." or harsh punishment.
D. Harsh punishment is always a last method - not the first.
Not - - - Remove, show dislike or hatered toward
Is - - - Keep church pure, teach others, save church, save the sinner.
3. How - What is the process?
A. Teach, encourage, be patient
B. Correct, rebuke, tell them they are sinning
C. Encourage others to talk to them
D. When all attempts have failed - follow these instructions.
4. Some warnings and instructions - - -
A. Do not be trigger happy - Do not be quick to punish.
B. Do all you can to encourage, correct, rebuke.
C. Many must talk with the sinner.
D. Have an attidute of gentle, meekness - Gal. 6:1
E. What if he repents and asks to come back? 2 Corinthians 2:6-8
[1] Forgive him. [2] Comfort him.
[3] Prove you love him. [4] Accept him.
5. Some questions to answer on this topic.
A. Who is to be disciplined?
[1] See list in 1 Corinthians 5:10-11 [2] 1 Timothy 6:3-5
[3] 2 Thessalonians 3:6 ff. [4] 2 John 9-11
[5] Any sin that is (a) not repented of; and (b) harms the church.
B. What about one who stops attending the services?
[1] There is no punishment to tell small child - "Can't drive the car."
[2] Encourage them to return. Tell them you miss them.
[3] Remove them from the list of members.
C. Is this a loving thing to do?
[1] Yes. Like a parent who corrects a child
[2] Is it “loving” to see a brother sin and not correct them?
[3] Make sure your attitude is loving and kind.
D. What is included in "withdraw" from a brother?
[1] Avoid social contacts with them
[2] Maintain spiritual contacts
[3] Admonish him as a brother