Eating in the church building
What can (and cannot) be done in the church building?
There were no buildings in NT – No instructions on this matter
Constantine was the 1st Roman emperor converted to Christianity
Edicts of Toleration – tolerated, then endorsed Christianity
Roman Empire built buildings to compensate for persecution
For 300 years the most common meeting place was in homes
Some principles to guide us
All things done must glorify God – built with God’s money
We must use wisdom to determine best use of funds
NOT do things that are immoral, illegal, unethical
NOT allow teaching which is false doctrine
NOT for personal business or profit (day care, exercise classes)
NOT sacred structure – The building (wood and brick) is not sacred
Other Related Issues – weddings (and receptions), funerals, parties, fellowships, scout troops, blood drives, family reunions, etc. – Not Biblical subjects
Some have gotten into silly issues
Drinking fountain – but not eat (worker, eat outside, swallow first, then come in to get a drink)
Restrooms, air conditioners, furnace, equipment (chalk boards, flannel graphs, slide projectors), literature, classrooms
What about pews (padded), songbooks, church bus, paved parking lot, sign, heated baptistery?
The 2 Main Objections to Eating in the Building
Using the “Lord’s money” to heat and light a building for a secular activity.
What about conversation before or after services? We talk about babies, car repairs, gardens, sports, vacation plans, etc.
What about weddings and funerals?
What about bathrooms and drinking fountains?
1 Corinthians 11:22 – Have you not houses to eat and drink in?
Not the location – but the occasion
They assembled together “for worship”
Can there be “house” churches? Yes.