(I Corinthians 5:1)
1. Greek word - "porneia"
A. Used to describe all kinds of sexual sins
B. Metaphorically - of association with pagan worship and idolatry
2. It is a broad and general term. It includes:
A. Rape. Violent act of sex by force
B. Incest. Sex with a close relative
I Cor. 5:1 Lev. 18:6
C. Sexual abuse. Sexual activity short of intercourse
James 4:3-4 "Adulters" = "Consume it upon your lusts"
I Cor. 7:1
D. Beastility. Sex with animals
Lev. 18:23
E. Homosexuality. Sex with one of the same sex
Jude 7 Lev. 18:22 Rom. 1:26-27
F. Adultery. Sex with one other than a spouse
Lev. 18:20
G. Necrphilia. Sex with the dead
H. Pedophilia. Sex with children
I. Prostitution. Sex for profit
I Cor. 6:18 Lev. 19:29
3. Sometimes "Adultery" and "Fornication" are used together. Sometimes they are used interchangeably.
A. Gal. 5:19 Both words used here
B. I Cor. 6:9 Both are listed
C. Rom. 1:29 Only fornication mentioned here
D. Ja. 2:11 Adultery stands for fornication
E. 2 Pet. 2:14 Adultery stands for fornication