The Holy Days
Under the Law of Moses
1. The Feast of Passover
A. This feast was enacted in Egypt to be kept on the night of the 14th day of the first month.
B. Ex. 12:14, 20; 12:28, 43-51; 13:3-10
C. It is called the feast of unleavened bread in Exodus 23:14-15
D. A sheaf of firstfruits was to be brought. Lev. 23:4-15
E. For the unclean and travelers, it was to be kept on the 14th day and the second month. However, this was used only in case of necessity. Num. 9:1-12
F. Additional offerings. Num. 28:16-24
1. Two young bullocks, one ram and 7 he lambss on each of the 7 days in addition to the regular burnt offerings.
G. Deuteronomy adds that the Passover is to be kept in one place. Deut. 16:108
2. Feast of Weeks or Feast of Harvest or Pentecost.
A. First mentioned in Exodus 23:15-17.
B. Fifty days from Passover. Lev. 23:15-21
C. Offerings made:
1. Two loaves of 1/10 of an ephah of fine flour for the firstfruits.
2. Burnt offerings of one young bullock, two rams, 7 he lambs with their meal offerings. One he goat for a sin offering and two he lambs a year old for a sin offering. A holy convocation on that day.
3. The Day of Trumpets.
A. When and how observed. Lev. 23:23-25
1. On the first day of the 7th month, a holy day celebrated by the blowing of trumpets.
2. A burnt offering to Jehovah of one young bullock, one ram, seven he lambs with their meal and drink offerings. One he goat for sin offering.
3. The holy convocation was to be held in each town as an expression of joy.
4. Annual Day of Atonement. Lev. 16:1-34; Numbers 29:7-11
A. Offerings on the occasion.
1. One bullock for sin offering and a ram for the burnt offering for himself and his family.
2. For the congregation, two he goats for a sin offering and one lamb offering for a burnt offering.
B. The atonelment for his family
1. He shall kill the bullock of the sin offering for himself and taking the censer full of live coals, the High Priest shall go inside of the veil and covering the mercy seat with a cloud of incense he shall sprinkle the blood of the bullock seven times.
C. Atonement for the people.
1. The goat of the sin offering shall be killed and its blood sprinkled upon the mercy seat for the sins of the people.
2. No man shall be in the tent of Aaron.
D. The disposal of the other goat.
1. The sins were put upon the scapegoat led away into the wilderness.
E. Time and design.
1. Time was the tenth day of the seventh month.
2. Design was to cleanse from sin. It rolled forward their sins for a year. cf. Heb. 10:1-3
F. The extra burnt offering. Num. 29:7-11
1. One young bullock, one ram, seven he lambs.
5. The Feast of Tabernacles.
A. First mentioned. Ex. 23:14-17
B. Called here Feast of Ingathering because all the crops were gathered in by this time.
C. The mode of celebration. Lev. 23:33-36, 39-44
1. Time began on the 15th day of the 7th month and lasted 7 days. The first and eighth days were the days of holy convocation.
2. Works of mercy, works of necessity, and works of religion could be done on holy days.
3. They dwelt in booths on the housetops outside the gate or in vacant spaces.
4. Its purpose was to preserve the memory of their deliverance from Egypt and cultivate their gratitude and reverence. This corresponds to our Thanksgiving.
D. Offerings to be made. Num. 29:12-40
1. Thirteen, twelve, ten, nine, eight, seven, young bullocks were offered (dropped off one each day), two rams and fourteen he lambs was the daily sacrifice. One male goat as a sin offering.
6. The Sabbath.
A. Ex. 16:23; 28:11; Deut. 5:12-15
B. How observed - No work done; day of rest and holy meditation.
C. Its design - That the people might remember that God has brought them out of the land of Egypt.