Can a Christian accept scholarship money
from the Lottery?
What about money from other “questionable” sources?
What about money from unknown sources?
Is the MONEY immoral or tainted?
Can the church accept a gift from someone who won a jackpot?
•Does accepting the money condone the activity?
•Should you ask where it came from?
•Is ignorance an excuse?
•Is the money itself immoral?
Is it the money or the activity that produced it?
Is money – moral, immoral, or amoral?
Is it still immoral when we don’t know the source of the money?
Is it moral when we don’t know the source?
•Must every bill be traced?
Is it possible that some money in your wallet was used for drugs, alcohol, prostitution, or other immoral activities?
Must a bank or business ask the source of the money before accepting it
At what point is it clean again?
How many transactions must it go through to be OK?
Is there a spiritual cleansing process for dirty money?
•What about government funds?
Does some government money come from doubtful sources?
Some Broad-based questions
Can we drive on roads paved with alcohol tax funds?
Can we call fire or police paid with taxes from a massage parlor?
Can a teacher accept a pay raise from “sin taxes”?
Is there any Bible teaching on this subject?
You have expressed your opinions and views –
Now it is time to see what God says.
Proverbs 13:22
Exodus 12:35-36
Ecclesiastes 2:26
Proverbs 28:8
Money itself is not immoral.
Money is to be gathered and spent.
If it was gathered in a evil way, the “cleansing” is to put it in the hands of the righteous
Money can be gathered in evil ways
Money can be spent for evil activities
Christians CAN use money from evil sources – to do good