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How powerful is He?

Can I win the war?

I. Satan is REAL.

          A. Eph. 6:10-12

          B. I Peter 5:8

          C. Logically

                    1. Evil exists.

                    2. It must have a source.

          D. Instinctively

                    1. Conscience tells you.

                    2. Some things are right or wrong - God commanded

                    3. Some are right or wrong - "Natural Law"

                              Fair              Liberty                    Happiness

          E. Biblically

                    1. He is introduced - in existence.

                    2. He is spoken of with personal pronouns.

          F. I John 3:8

                    1. Sin is of the devil.

                    2. From the beginning.

                    3. Reason Jesus was sent to earth - Overcome Satan

2. Origin of Satan.

          A. Rabbi Theory -

                    1. Created the 6th day

                    2. Did God create Satan?

                    3. Is God the source of all evil?

          B. Fallen angels married men -

                    1. Gen. 6:1-2 Sons of God married daughters of men

                    2. Matt. 22:30 Angels do not marry

          C. Fallen Angel -

                    1. Jude 6 Kept not their first estate

                    2. 2 Peter 2:4 Angels that sinned - cast down

          D. Lucifer -

                    1. Is. 14:12-20 (Babylon)

                    2. Ezekiel 28:11-26 (Tyre)

                    3. Lucifer means "day-star or bright star"

          F. Eternal Dualism

                    1. Light/Dark

                    2. Good/Evil

                    3. Day/Night

3. Satan has Power.  Satan's Devices 2 Corinthians 2:11

          A. Deception           I Tim. 2:14

                    1. Caused David to sin I Chron. 21:1

                    2. Liar John 8:44

                    3. Blind's minds 2 Cor. 4:4

                    4. Sear conscience I Tim. 4:1-3

                    5. Doctrines (plural) Matt. 15:8-9

          B. Doubt                 Plants the seed of doubt

                    1. "If" is a favorite word.

                    2. Rev. 12:10 accuser of our bretren

                    3. I Cor. 10:10-11 Murmur, complain, gossip

          C. Desire

                    1. Noah's day Gen. 6:5

                    2. I John 2:15-17

                    3. James 1:12-18

          D. Disruption

                    1. Hindered Paul's coming I Thessalonians 2:18

                    2. Paul - thorn in flesh 2 Corinthians 12:7

                    3. Sheep in midst of wolves Matthew 10:16

                    4. "Providentially hindered" = Satan


          A. Ephesians 6:10-20 Wear the armor

          B. Colossians 2:15  Satan might win a battle - Loses the war

          C. James 4:7          Resist the devil - He will flee.

          D. Galatians 5:16    Walk in Spirit, not in lust of flesh

          E. Ephesians 4:27   Don't give place to devil

          F. Romans 6:6-18   You choose whom you will serve

          G. 1 Peter 5:8-9      Roaring lion - resist


          1. Don't try to out run Satan. No armor on your back.

          2. Meet him head on. Resist.

          3. Problem is:

                    A. NOT: Satan is too strong

                    B. IS: We are not resisting


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