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What does the Bible say about tattoos and body piercing?


  1. Use caution here

  2. The issue is NOT:

    1. What I like or prefer

    2. What I think about it

    3. My opinion on the matter

  3. What does the Bible say?

    1. There is only one verse in the entire Bible on this topic.

    2. Leviticus 19:28

Should we just stop here?

  1. This verse forbids tattoos.

  2. It also forbids body piercing – tongue, navel, eyebrows, nose, ears

  3. What about ladies (or men) with pierced ears?

The Problem!

  1. Put this verse in the context of the entire chapter.

  2. What else is forbidden in this chapter of the Bible?

    1. V. 19 – Don’t mix livestock in a field – not graze on the same pasture

    2. V. 19 – Don’t sow mixed seeds in a field

    3. V. 19 – Don’t wear clothing of mixed fabric – linen & wool

    4. V. 23 – Fruit from 1st 3 years – uncircumcised – do not eat it

    5. V. 24 – Fruit from 4th year – all goes to God

    6. V. 25 – Fruit from 5th year – you can eat from the fruit

    7. V. 27 – Do not shave side of head (sideburns)

    8. V. 27 – Don’t change the natural shape of our beard

    9. V. 31 – Do not pay attention to mediums or familiar spirits

    10. V. 32 – You must rise when a person of gray hair enters the room

  3. This list does not exhaust the chapter.

  4. How many of these things to we violate today?

Principles in NT

  1. In the NT – the law is given in principles that must be applied

  2. Individual Liberty – Romans 14 – Areas of Christian liberty

    1. We may disagree with their choice

    2. We may make a different choice

    3. These are matters of individual liberty

  3. Influence – Matthew 5:13-14 – Salt and Light

  4. First Impression

  5. Conscience

    1. Romans 14:23

    2. 1 John 3:20-21


  1. We cannot use Leviticus 19:28 as proof against tattoos.

  2. We must apply the principles of the NT

    1. Individual liberty and choice

    2. Influence

    3. First Impression

    4. Conscience

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