Women in leadership
Many shifts have taken place in regard to the role of women in leadership. Here are a few examples.
A woman preached a sermon to a large audience of men and woman at “Jubilee” in Nashville, Tennessee.
On July 31, 1988 a church in Huston, TX announced their intention to appoint women to active roles in worship, including reading scripture, leading in prayer, and adding a woman minister to the full time staff.
In January, 1990 a church in Birmingham, AL the elders announced their decision to include women in roles of leadership. Since then female deacons have been appointed. Women have lead prayers and read Scriptures in the Sunday morning worship services.
In 1992, Pepperdine University decided to include more women in public worship assemblies. A woman was asked to lead the opening prayer on August 31st.
There are many others who are now following their examples.
What does the Bible teach on this matter?
Rules for use of gift of prophecy in the church assemblies. (34, 35)
33 – God is not the author of confusion
34 – Your women (whose women?) –
Wives of the prophets
Silent = not a sound, total silence
In the church (assembly)
Want to know more = ask their husbands at home
Many think this applies to all
women – NO.
Not all women have husbands.
Not all women with husbands have men who are knowledgeable about God’s will.
1 Timothy 2:8-15 (esp. 12)
8 – Men = males, not females
Mankind, humanity, all humans = Greek – anthropos
Male (as opposed to female) = Greek – aner
9 – Women should dress in modesty
Women, females (as opposed to males) = Greek – gune
11 – Learn in submission (subjection)
12 – Woman is not permitted to teach
Teach = deliver a discourse (preach)
Not prohibited from commenting in a Bible class
12 – Woman is not permitted to have authority
NOTE: “usurp” today implies taking by force – error in translation
Greek word means to act for yourself, dominate, control = Greek - authenteo
12 – Authority = power to make decisions, rule, control
12 – Over the man = the man of verse 8
12 – Silence
Not = absolute silence, no sound
But = calm, quiet, tranquil, peaceful, stillness
1 Peter 3:4 – gentle and quiet spirit
13 – Seniority is the reason
14 – Not related to who sinned first or worst
Adam was not deceived – sinned with full knowledge
Eve was deceived – tricked, not fully alert to the wrong
15 – Saved in childbearing
Woman can “redeem” herself by training her children (faith, love, holiness, self-control)
1 Timothy 3:8-13
Office of deacon – technical term
Word can also apply to anyone (male or female) who serves, ministers, helps others – non-technical term
This text is dealing with the technical term – the “office of a deacon”
They must have wives – 11
They must have only one wife – 12
They must have children under their control – 12
Romans 16:1 – Was Phoebe a “deaconess” in the church?
The same word (Greek word – deaconos) is used here.
This word is used throughout the
Total – all forms of this word – 101 times in New Testament
3 = deacon (official office) Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:8, 12
17 = Servant, serve
67= minister, ministry, ministering, minister unto, ministration
14 = misc. translations
Used here in feminine form = a woman who ministers to others
Acts 18:24-28
Aquila & Priscilla (husband & wife)
Took Apollos aside
Instructed, explain, taught, expose, expound