Writing Rules
God writes your Rules the Bible.
Hebrews 1:1-3 God has spoken
John 12:48 Words of Jesus will judge us in the last day
Revelation 20:12 Judged by the Book of Life
In matters where God has given us liberty We must allow others to have this same liberty.
Alexander Campbell, in his Declaration and Address, said, In matters of faith unity; In matters of opinion liberty; In all things Love. This must be our guiding principle.
Do not
judge others or allow yourself to be judged. (16-17)
Meat or drink daily choices
Holy Day annual choices
New Moon monthly choices
Sabbath Days weekly choices
Matthew 7:1 Judge not
(a) Eternal destiny; (b) Motives
TODAY Meat vs. vegetarian; observe a holiday; spend a Sunday afternoon
Do not beguile others or allow yourself
to be beguiled. (18)
Beguile = to judge against, an umpires decision
Others can rob you of the prize
No man is my umpire, judge, able to disqualify me
Do not appoint yourself as umpire
Do not reject Christ as head or claim
to be head in His place. (19)
Some think they are smarter, wiser than Christ.
Some will claim authority power rule headship.
Diotrephes 3 John 9-10
I dont like ____. You cant like ____ either.
Some will change the will of God. (1 Timothy 4:1-4)
Do not write the rules for others or
submit to rules others try to impose. (20-23)
We try to be experts at rule writing.
If the Bible commands it OBEY.
If man writes the rule it is for him only.
DANGER: We write rules for others.
THEN: We violate them oursleves. (Romans 2:1-3)
TEXT: Romans 12:2 Dont let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and move you toward the goal of true maturity. (Phillips paraphrase)
Do not let the world write
your rules. (Colossians 2:20-22)
1 Church attendance TV, company, Super Bowl
2 Dress fashion, hemlines
3 Music Art Moral Values
4 Sex before marriage
Do not let civil authorities
write your rules. (Acts 5:29)
1 Abortion
2 Lottery, Gambling
3 Divorce
4 Discipline of children
5 Homosexuality
Do not let fellow Christians
write your rules. (Colossians 2:23)
1 Where to eat (restaurants which sell beer)
2 How to spend money (Foolish things like fishing.)
3 When to change channels, walk out of movie (1st bad word, 3rd
4 When to give from monthly income (divide out weekly vs. 1st of
5 Where to work Work on Sundays Out of town