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- Like any human action that is a response
to Gods teaching the act itself is not the key to
pleasing God. In fact, fasting can become a source of
irritation and even separation between man and God when
man is practicing without heart.
- Fasting in both the Old and New Testaments
is practiced both publicly and privately.
- The main message of fasting is:
"Something is larger in value, importance, danger,
or emotional impact that what it would appear on the
surface." That "something" could be a
decision that needs to be made, a battle that needs to be
fought, a sin that needs to be mourned, a spiritual
discipline in need of development, a loss that needs to
be mourned, or honor that should be shown.
Biblical Passages on Fasting (grouped
by main headings)
Awareness of Sin: Confession and Repentance
- 1 Samuel 7:2-6
- Joel 2:12-15
- Jonah 3:4-10
Mourning a loss
- 2 Samuel 1:10-12
Pleading a Cause: Demonstrating earnestness
in asking God for assistance
- 2 Chronicles 20:1-22
- Ezra 8:21-23
- Esther 4:12-17
- Nehemiah 1:1-11
- Daniel 9:3-19
Preparation for a Mission: Clearing your
life of worldly distractions for spiritual clarity
- Matthew 4:2
Honoring God: Deepening your worship of Him
and relationship with Him
- Matthew 6:16-18
- Luke 2:36-37
Seeking guidance: Appointing spiritual
- Acts 13:1-3
- Acts 14:21-23
Should Christians fast today?
- Yes! Because of the teachings of Jesus
Matthew 6:16-17
Matthew 9:14-15
Matthew 17:20-21
- Yes! Because we have examples of the
church fasting.
Acts 13:1-3
Acts 14:21-23
- Yes! Because Paul fasted as a minister of
2 Corinthians 11:23-28
1 Corinthians 11:1
- The least we can say is that it would not
be wrong or inappropriate for Christians to fast today.
Why should Christians fast?
- People fast today for various reasons
Health reasons weight, heart, diabetes
Without planning time of grief, stress, sorrow
Trying to gain some kind of self-control
- Christians should fast, because there
times we are in need of divine help.
See the section above Biblical Passages on Fasting
(page 1)
When should Christians fast?
- When there are occasions requiring divine
help temptations, decisions, serious illness
- When the congregation is making an
important decision sending a missionary,
appointing elders
How should Christians fast?
- Not to be seen of men Matthew
- Not as some regular ritual Matthew
- Not without true repentance Isaiah
- Not just because it sounds like a neat
- But Follow the suggestions in the
Conclusion and Action Steps section (page 3)
What are the temptations that may
accompany fasting?
Fasting could degenerate into an activity
that originates with the desires, expectations, and choices of
man, instead of the will of God.
- Isaiah 58:1-14
Fasting could be a quest for approval of
people or to establish spiritual superiority.
- Matthew 6:16-18
- Luke 18:9-15
Fasting when we should be rejoicing.
- Matthew 9:14-15
Conclusion and Action Steps
- Jesus assumed that fasting would be part
of our life and indispensible.
- Jesus taught how to fast, he
assumed we would fast.
- Several options in fasting
A. Partial fast one meal a day.
B. Focus fast No distractions (TV, radio, reading)
Just Bible and prayer.
C. Total fast one day no food just
water and required medications
D. Item fast omit one item or category of foods
from your diet
- Practical Suggestions
With any fast drink lots of water.
If food is eaten keep it nutritious, bland, and
limited quantity.
When breaking the fast got slow fruits,
bland foods.
Keep a journal of your day times of prayer, Bible
study, meditation, etc.
Start slow Dont dive in too deep, too soon.
Make sure you have the time (clear calendar) without
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