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TITLE: Does Jesus Care?
TEXT: Mark 4:35-41

  1. In the NT the word “care” can have several meanings.
  2. Song: Does Jesus Care? Oh, yes he cares
  3. Here are some thoughts about caring GOOD / BAD.

In the sense of anxious, worry, worldly care
About earthly things
        Luke 12:22 - Do not be anxious for your life, eat, put on
God's providential goodness should keep us from
        Matthew 6:26, 28, 30 - Birds of air are fed, lilies of field, grass on a hill
God's promises should keep us from
        Hebrews 13:5 - Be content with what you have, I will never leave you
        2 Corinthians 1:20 - Promises of God and Yes and Amen
Trust in God should free us from
        Jeremiah 17:7-8 - Trust in the Lord, tree by water not worried in drought
Should be cast on God
        1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your care on the Lord
        Psalm 55:22 - Cast burden on the Lord, He will keep you
An obstruction to the Gospel
        Matthew 13:22 - Seed in thorns = care of world, riches, choke our Word
        Luke 14:18-20 - Excuses were material, hinder fellowship with Lord
Be without
        Philippians 4:6 - Worry about nothing, pray about everything
        1 Corinthians 7:32 - Be without anxiety.
Exemplified in Martha
Luke 10:41 - You are anxious and troubled about many things

In the sense of concern, earnest care
Luke 10:34-35 - Samaritan - Take care of him
Deuteronomy 11:12 - Land God cares for. Eyes of Jehovah always upon it
Philippians 4:10 - Your care of me has flourished
Psalm 142:4 - No man cared for my soul
Titus 3:8 - Be careful to maintain good works

  1. Does Jesus care (worry, anxious about future)? NO!
  2. Does Jesus care (show genuine love and concern)? YES!
  3. In what way do you care about - God, Jesus, soul, Bible, eternal life, salvation?

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