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SERIES: Moving Forward (3 of 5)

TITLE: Dangers to Avoid

TEXT: Acts 20:28-30
PROPOSITION: We must avoid the dangers that threaten the church.
KEY WORD: Dangers


  1. Anytime a church is moving forward – there will be dangers

  2. What if a rattlesnake was loose in the building? (it isn't)

  3. Would you want to know?

  4. Here are 4 dangers to avoid

False Doctrine

  1. False = something that is not true, a lie

  2. Doctrine = a teaching, taught for the purpose of leading people to obey God

  3. False doctrine = an attempt to lead people to obey something that is not true

    1. Matthew 7:15 – false prophets in sheep's clothing

    2. Matthew 7:22-23 – many say Lord, Lord

    3. Acts 20:28-30 – take heed to the flock

    4. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 – not endure sound doctrine

    5. 1 Timothy 6:3-5 – not consent to wholesome words of Jesus

    6. Romans 16:17 – mark ones who teach contrary to the doctrine and avoid them

  4. How do we avoid all the false teachings?

    1. Identify each one, flag it, avoid them – impossible

    2. You would spend all your time with what is false

    3. Learn what is TRUE – hold to it – teach it

  5. The Bible must be our source for all truth

    1. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – inspired of God

    2. 2 Peter 1:3 – all that pertains to life and godliness


  1. Division has always been a danger

    1. Romans 14:1 – disputes over doubtful things

    2. Romans 16:17-18 – cause divisions among you

    3. 1 Corinthians 1:10 – speak same thing, no divisions

    4. 1 Corinthians 11:18 – I hear there are divisions among you

  2. Matthew 12:25 – house divided cannot stand

  3. Division will destroy every work of this church

  4. Jesus prayed for unity – John 17:20-21


  1. Some take what is good and push it to an extreme

  2. Pharisees did this

  3. Extremism is a real danger

    1. Matthew 23:23-24

    2. Matthew 23:27-28

    3. Amos 5:19a - as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him

  4. We use labels – liberal, conservative

  5. We act as if we are the only balanced one

    1. Stricter than me – too conservative

    2. Looser than me – too liberal

  6. Extremism is often the cause of false doctrine and division


  1. People tend to over-react to things

  2. They come from what others do

  3. We want to repair the false teaching or Division

  4. Example – Luther saw wrong in Catholic Church – went to other extreme

  5. Example – Many try to repair division by saying that doctrine does not matter

  6. Balance is important


  1. If the church moves forward – we must avoid the dangers

  2. They will destroy what is already built

  3. They will make our efforts useless

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