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TITLE: Enlarge My Territory
TEXT: Joshua 14:7-12
PROPOSITION: Our prayers must seek to expand our borders.
KEY WORD: Extensions
  1. Territory = coast, borders
  2. This is prayer for more room, territory, make a greater impact
  3. Text - Caleb - 85 - still reaching for new territory
  4. Old Texas cowboy song, “Give me land, lots of land, Don't fence me in”

Room to grow
  1. Compare to “homestead” - where the buffalo roam, room to stretch and expand
  2. We are expected to grow - faith, devotion, worship, strength, willingness to work
    1. 2 Peter 1:5-11 - Add to your faith
    2. 2 Peter 3:18 - Grow in grace and knowledge
    3. 1 Peter 2:2 - Babies desire milk to grow
  3. Potted plant - become root-bound - “Lord, put me in a bigger pot.”

Room to work
  1. A farmer may need more acres to expand his operation
  2. As Christians, we need to expand our territory
  3. Travel to new places - Russia, Central America
    1. Sometimes God opens doors; provides room for expansion
    2. We resist - We do not want to go there
  4. We have a larger purpose than what is right in front of us - expand

Move the boundaries - Remove the barriers
  1. Current phrase - “think outside the box” - think beyond the here and now
  2. Hold a sheet of paper with dot in middle - most see the dot, not the paper
  3. Remove the fence, tear down the barriers, blur the lines

Meet more people
  1. Sit on a bench in a busy mall, table in restaurant
  2. Meet new people - look for opportunities
  3. Listen in line at a check out - There are people crying for someone to listen

  1. This phrase means - Lord use me; give me more ways to be your servant.
  2. 2 Corinthians 12:15 - I will gladly spend and be spent (used up) for your souls
  3. Are you willing to be used up in the service of God?

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