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TITLE: Traditions - When are they wrong?
TEXT: Mark 7:9-13
PROPOSITION: Traditions can become sinful without realizing it.
  1. This morning we discussed what traditions are.
  2. This evening - When do they become wrong, sinful?
When it divides.
  1. God hates division. I Corinthians 1:10; Proverbs 6:19
  2. We should seek unity. Ephesians 4:1-7
  3. Examples of the division: One cup, foot washing, break bread, eat in building
When it becomes law and binding as "the way".
  1. Methods of evangelism, Worship order, Program of work
  2. "There is more than one way to skin a cat." There is more than one way to worship, evangelize, teach a class, serve communion, preach a sermon, etc.
  3. What we do is usually arrived at by trial and error. "We tried that many years ago. It didn't work."
  4. Doctrines do not change. People do; the world does; attitudes do; methods do.
When it replaces a commandment.
  1. Mark 7 "It is Corban."
  2. Most denominational doctrines are traditions.
  3. God says "A" and someone teaches "B" about music, baptism, one church, etc.
When we defend what we are (status quo).
  1. Restoration Movement - 1790 to 1990
  2. We feel we have "arrived" See Philippians 3:11-16
When we stop "restoring" the N. T. church.
  1. We have restored: Worship, Organization, Name, Salvation plan
  2. We have not restored: Fellowship, Zeal, Unity, Spirit of worship
  3. I Peter 4:11 - Speak as the oracles of God
When we reject things that are "right" because others do it, or do it that way.
  1. Mother's Day, Pastors, Bishops, Responsive reading, Say, "Amen”
  2. Deaconesses, Testify, witness
When we fail to teach some doctrines.
  1. Holy Spirit - Indwelling and work today, Security of believers
  2. Priesthood of believers, Spirit of worship, Grace
  3. Last things - Judgment, Heaven, Hell
When it causes us to be complacent and apathetic.         Survey by tom Holland:
  1. Problems the church faces as seen by Elders:
        Apathy 55%, Liberalism 30%, Divorce 25%, Unwilling to work 20%
  1. Problems of 90's as seen by preachers:
        Liberalism, Worldliness, Divorce, Compromise with error,
        Apathy, Ignorance of the Bible

How to Break With Tradition Without Breaking the Church
Change must come S L O W L Y.
  1. People are slow to adjust to changes.
  2. Change must be: Prepared for, explained, and given time.
Change must be helpful, an improvement.
  1. Change for the sake of change = Chaos.
  2. Change is accepted when you can give a valid reason for the need to change.
We must PLAN to teach ourselves better.
  1. Sermons, Classes, Programs of work, Personal study

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