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TITLE: Are We the Only Ones?
1 Peter 3:15-17
We must not argue over who is right and study to determine what is right.

  1. INTRODUCTION: Often asked question.
    A. If YES then – Bigoted, egotistical, self-righteous, narrow minded.
    B. If NO then – Leave the impression that all are OK where they are. No need for change.

  2. We need to be able to answer the question – honestly, truthfully.

  3. Are we the only ones who - - - - - - - ?

Believe in Jesus – John 8:24

  1. All of the “Christian” religions believe in Jesus.

  2. Not – Islam, Buddhist, Judaism

Worship on Sunday – Acts 20:7

  1. A very few do NOT – Most do worship on Sunday.

  2. Some (even in the church) have changed recently – Thursday communion, Saturday evening service, use Jewish time

Partake of Lord’s Supper Weekly – Acts 20:7

  1. Mormons, some Baptist, Methodist, Independent Christian Church

  2. Some more regular than others – Monthly, Quarterly, twice a year

Accept the Authority and Inspiration of the Bible – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

  1. Baptists – major dispute over inspiration of Bible.

  2. Methodists – Presbyterians – Lutherans, many other now in this battle.

  3. Some have rejected all “creeds” of men – Independent Christian Church.

Does Not Use Instrumental Music – Ephesians 5:19

  1. Most religious groups did not in early days.

  2. Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, etc.

  3. Today – Many Orthodox churches do not – Greek Orthodox, many others

Baptism – A Burial – Romans 6:4

  1. Baptists, 7th Day Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses – Many others

  2. Many accept burial OR sprinkling OR pouring


Baptism – For Believers, Not for Infants – Mark 16:16

  1. Baptists, Mormons, Pentecostal groups – reject infant baptism.

  2. Some do not care sprinkled as infant or immersed as adult.


Baptism – For remission of Sins – Acts 2:38

  1. Some Baptist groups, 7th Day Adventists, Mormons

  2. Some do not care what the reason is – It just must be done.

  3. Some have changed the purpose over the years.


  1. No – We are not the only ones who do some of these things.

  2. YES – We are the only one who follows the Bible in ALL of these things.

  3. Christianity is not a Cafeteria – Pick and choose what you like.

  4. Will you do ALL the Bible teaches?

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