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Title: Stay at Home and Worship

Text: Hebrews 10:23-26

QUESTION: Can a single family unit gather together, sing, pray, study, and partake of communion, without attending the assembly of a local church?

NOTE: Some churches are now doing this on Sunday nights. They are not having a worship service at the church building, but all are invited to a home in their part of town for a devotional, study, and fellowship. They are called cell groups, house churches, life care groups, and many other names. Such arrangements violate the very purpose of the local church being formed in the first place.


  1. Private vs. Corporate worship

    1. Corporate = several or many gathered together for the purpose of worship

    2. Private = one individual or family unit

    3. Some acts of worship can be done anyplace, anytime (sing, pray, study)

    4. Some can ONLY be done in the corporate

      1. Giving – “in store”

        1. In store means in a common treasury

        2. Purpose – No need to gather when need arises

      2. Lord’s Supper

        1. Communion is to be ONLY in the corporate meeting

        2. See 1 Corinthians 11:17, 18, 20, 33, 34

        3. 5 times in this passage – Communion is in the assembly

    5. Unusual circumstances may require an exception, but not every week.

  1. Motivations for such action – Why are they NOT with the local church?

Proper Motivations

    1. Local church may be in error (liberal, conservative, error in doctrine)

    2. Disagree with the elders (doctrinal, moral, qualifications)

    3. Want to start a new congregation

Wrong Motivations

    1. Disagree with the elders (rebellion, opinion, judgment)

    2. Want to “run their own show”

      1. Worship when you want – 11 am or 8 pm

      2. Skip when other things interfere

      3. Less total time in worship – 1 song, read a verse, take communion, have a prayer

  1. Church = Body principles

    1. The church (universal) is the body of Christ

    2. The church (local congregation) is a body of believers

  1. Also called the flock of God

  2. Also called the family of God

  3. Also called the temple of God

    1. Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 – Church = body, we are members

    2. Body must function together – in unity

    3. One head – Christ

    4. We are members of one another

    5. Why would the left forearm not want to work with the rest of the body?

  1. What membership in a local church means

    1. To be a member of the church means you are:

      1. A member of the body – Ephesians 1:22-23

      2. A worker in the vineyard – Matthew 20:1

      3. A living stone in the temple – 1 Peter 2:5

      4. To be married to Christ – Romans 7:4

      5. To be a citizen in the Kingdom of Christ – Colossians 1:12-13

      6. A child of God in the family – Galatians 3:26-27

    2. Membership in the local church means the enjoyment of the rich provisions of God’s grace for His children.

      1. Elders who watch, care and protect the flock – 1 Peter 5:1-3

      2. Proper feeding of spiritual food – Acts 20:28

      3. Provision for all things needful – 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

      4. Correction and chastisement – Hebrews 12:5

      5. Fellowship with the saints – Philippians 2:1-4

    3. Membership in the body of Christ means a life of holiness, sanctification, and justification.

      1. 1 Corinthians 6:11 – washed, sanctified, and justified

      2. 1 Corinthians 1:2 – called to be saints

      3. Ephesians 4:1 – holy calling

      4. 2 Timothy 2:19 – depart from unrighteousness

  1. What to do with the contribution

    1. What mission work, benevolence work would you do?

    2. Who would “oversee” the money?


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