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Why don’t many understand the Bible?


1.       Some are using wrong / ancient translations (strange words / terms)

2.       Many don’t know where to begin / such a huge book

3.       Parts are difficult to understand - 2 Peter 3:15-16

4.       Here are some other reasons many do not understand the Bible.


1.       They do not study it

a.       John 8:32

b.       Desire to learn – Matt. 5:6

c.       Requires time and effort

2.       They do not want to understand it

a.       2 Peter 3:5

b.       John 3:20

3.       Their minds are cluttered with other things

a.       Thorny ground – Matt. 13:22

b.       Family, food, sports, work, social

4.       They have not learned to rightly divide the Bible

a.       Col. 2:14

b.       2 Tim. 2:15

c.       When written? To whom?

d.       OT or NT

e.       Who said / wrote it?

5.       They are prejudiced against it.

a.       Many make it fit their ideas

b.       Taught wrong and they trust their false teacher

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