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TITLE: Mothers and Bread

TEXT: John 6:49-51
PROPOSITION: We must learn to be grateful.
KEY WORD: Reasons


  1. Today is Mother's Day

  2. Many holidays are spiritual / worldly

    1. Easter – bunnies, eggs, new clothes / resurrection

    2. Christmas – Santa Claus, presents / virgin birth

    3. Thanksgiving – overeat, football / gratitude

    4. Mother's Day – eat out, family together / God's plan for mothers

  1. We are not good at saying “Thank you,” are we?

    1. Boy at party – girl in front said thank you and lady said don't mention it

    2. It almost seems that we have to be trained to express gratitude, doesn’t it?

    3. Kids know how to say NO, Mine!

    4. Must to taught to say please and thank you

  2. Things to be thankful for – more than we realize

    1. Automatic dishwashers – get out of kitchen before kids return for a snack

    2. Husbands who do small repairs – make them big enough to call professionals

    3. Children who put thing away and clean up – such a joy you hate to see them go home to their own parents

    4. Teenagers – give you a chance to learn another language

    5. Smoke alarms – let you know when supper is ready


  1. We are valuable to God

  2. God has blessed us (America) more than we can handle

  3. We have more food than we can eat – but we try

  4. While millions are starving – we have:

    1. Eating disorders

    2. Obesity

  5. We need food (balanced diet) for proper growth and nutrition


  1. What is the SOURCE of these blessings?

  2. Young boys in Russia - “Pashalsta, baton”

  3. While we buy bread, it comes from God

  4. Matthew 6:11 – Give us this day our daily bread

    1. NOTE: daily – weeks supply

    2. God is the giver of bread


  1. Matthew 4:4

  2. Bread sustains the body – we also need food for the soul, spirit

  3. There are many things to be thankful for:

    1. Students – list things thankful for – couldn’t think of a thing

    2. Then – Glasses – boys don't hit me and girls don't kiss me

Conclusion: In his song, My Tribute, Andrae Crouch sings to God:

"How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me?

Things so undeserved, yet You give to prove Your love for me.

The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude;

All that I am & ever hope to be, I owe it all to you."

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