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TITLE: What Have You Really Learned?
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 12:12-13
PROPOSITION: School is more that the three R's.
KEY WORD: Lessons


  1. Tonight we honor our HS and College graduates

  2. So the sermon tonight will make you feel like you are back in school.

  3. What have you really learned?

Mathematics – The Value of Absolutes

  1. Certain things are set, unchangeable

    1. 2+2=4

    2. a2+b2=c2

    3. Any two points in space lie in exactly one line.

  2. The absolutes of life

    1. God is read, so is Satan

    2. The Bible is His only written communication

    3. All men have sinned

    4. Sin separates us from God

    5. Heaven is real, and so is hell

    6. Jesus is the only means of salvation

History – History repeats itself, if we don't learn its lessons

  1. You may or may not remember -

    1. The dates of the:

      1. French Revolution

      2. American Revolution

      3. Civil War

    2. The significance of people like:

      1. Alexander the Great

      2. Napoleon Bonaparte

      3. Patrick Henry

      4. Thomas Jefferson

    3. Who said:

      1. I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.

      2. The only thing we had to fear is fear itself.

      3. Never give up. Never, never, never give up.

      4. The buck stops here.

  2. We must learn from history

    1. Learn from your mistakes and successes

    2. Proverbs 16:18

    3. Proverbs 11:6

English – How you say what you say is just as important was what you say

  1. How we communicate

    1. Inflection

    2. Facial expressions

    3. Body language

    4. Vocabulary

      1. Spoken

      2. Written

  2. Proverbs 15:1

  3. Proverbs 25:11

  4. Ephesians 4:29

Science – Some things can be proved. Others must be accepted by faith.

  1. Limitations of science

    1. Limited by what it can observe

    2. If a man cannot observe something, he can say nothing about it scientifically.

    3. It cannot give us permanent absolute truth.

  2. Job 42:3

  3. Colossians 1:17

  4. John 1:3

Sports Wellness – You don't get something for nothing.

  1. Lessons we should have learned

    1. Persistence pays off

    2. Self-discipline

    3. Self-denial

    4. Sacrifices

  2. Proverbs 6:6-8

  3. Matthew 16:24

A few other truths

  1. It is always best to tell the truth.

  2. Your attitude determines your altitude.

  3. Everyone needs forgiveness now and then.


  1. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13

  2. For eternity – know God, love God, obey God

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