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TITLE: The Main Thing (Priorities)

TEXT: Romans 6:16-23
PROPOSITION: We must learn to keep first things first.
KEY WORD: Issues


  1. Old recipe for rabbit stew – First, catch the rabbit

  2. The main thing is the keep the main thing, the main thing.

  3. We must learn how to put (and keep) first things first.

Have you every thought what God will say about your priorities?

  1. Is your life showing what is important to you?

  2. YES – whither you realize it or not

  3. Romans 6:16 – Are you a slave to God or to ________?

  4. God and men can tell your priorities by the fruits of your life.

Avoid any discontinuity between the priorities we profess and how we live.

  1. If not careful, there can be a huge gap between the claim and the reality

  2. Our lifestyle says more about priorities that any other factor

  3. We will not be judged by the priorities we CLAIM.

  4. We will be judged by the lifestyle we choose

We must swim against the fleshly currents

  1. Most will just go with the flow of modern trends

  2. We don't want to be “different” and stand out in a crowd

  3. Romans 12:2 – do not be conformed to this world

  4. Ezekiel 33:30-33 – Hear the words, but don't practice them

Paul teaches us to avoid being slaves to greed, lust for power, position, or security

  1. We tend to follow our selfish desires

  2. What is the most important thing I can do today?

  3. James 4:17 – Know to do good?

  4. Paul could have done many things with his life

    1. He knew where he came from

    2. He knew where he was

    3. He knew where he wanted to be


  1. Matthew 6:33 – Seek FIRST the kingdom of heaven

  2. The main thing, is the keep the main thing, the main thing.

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