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TITLE: Second Mile That Brings A Smile
TEXT: Matthew 5:38-42
PROPOSITION: The blessings of "second mile" service make it worth the effort.
KEY WORD: Blessings


  1. Little boy - memorizing this verse - "Go with him by train."

  2. Background of this verse.

    A. Roman occupation of Palestine

    B. Law said carry pack or supplies for one mile

    C. Many would drive a stake at exactly one mile

    D. Today - - message is:

    Do more than is expected.

    E. Millionaire success story - "And Then Some"

    F. Poem "A Little More" (bottom of file)

    G. Four observations about second mile service.

    1. Provides the Traveler with Happiness.

    A. Surgeon - 3 sleeping knots

    B. Hired hand - "I sleep when the wind blows."

    C. Jewish boy -

    1. Angry one miler

    2. One who heard Jesus’ teaching

    2. Brings Out the Best in Others.

    A. Woman who wants a divorce. Really hurt him.

    B. Romans 12:20 - Heap coals of fire in his head.

    3. Lightens the Burdens of Life.

    A. Picture two homes:

    1. One mile home - old housecoat

    2. Two mile home - new housecoat

    B. Woman needs money

    1. One mile home 2. Two mile home

    4. This Was the Road Traveled by Christ.

    A. God was patient with us.

    B. Christ on the cross.


    We need to travel the second mile - homes, schools, church, business, friends, enemies, lost, erring.



    We recall the kind old grocer

    When the sugar he would pour,

    He’d tip the scales to balance

    Then he’d add a little more.

    And his business how it prospered!

    Folks were always in his store;

    For he gave an honest measure,

    And he’d add a little more.

    So it is with life, my brother

    We would write a better score,

    When we’ve done what is expected,

    If we’d add a little more!

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