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TITLE: Three Vital Questions

TEXT: Galatians 1:6-10

PROPOSITION: Christianity is the only faith that will save man.


KEY WORD: Questions



  1. Today – Christianity has lost some of its meaning.
  2. Some claim to be Christians – yet accept Judaism, Buddhism, etc.
  3. Here are three vital questions to ask and answer about your faith.

Is Jesus alone the Savior of all men?

  1. Acts 4:12 "no other name under heaven"
  2. Galatians 1:8 "preach any other gospel"
  3. John 20:30-31 "believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God"
  4. John 14:6 "no man comes to the Father except through me"
  5. John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life"
  6. Hebrews 2:9 "He, by the grace of God, might taste death for every man"


What about religions that reject Jesus?

  1. Christianity is the only religion that has a Savior.
  2. All other religions offer a philosophy of life, morals.
  3. Other religions urge behavior to benefit mankind.
  4. "No other name" – "Other gospel" – "Except through me"
  5. If men were saved in religions that reject Jesus – No need for mission work.
  6. 2 Corinthians 5:19 "reconciling the world to Himself through Christ"


What role should the Bible play in religious faith and parctice?

  1. There are many differing attitudes toward the Bible today.
  2. 1 Corinthians 14:37 "the things I write to you are the commands of the Lord"
  3. 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 taught the words which the Holy Spirit taught
  4. 2 Peter 1:21 "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit"
  5. 1 Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God"
  6. John 20:30-31 "that they might believe – have life through his name"

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