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TITLE: 5 Sins of Sodom

TEXT: Ezekiel 16:49-50

PROPOSITION: Sodom was condemned for its attitude as well as its immorality.


KEY WORD: Attitudes



  1. Sodom = Homosexuality – “sodomy” is a legal term for this sin
  2. Behind this immorality were some attitudes.
  3. What were the sins in Sodom that led to their downfall?


Pride – Arrogance

  1. Deuteronomy 17:12-13
  2. Philippians 2:3-5
  3. Know it all – arrogant – not heed advice or teaching


Boasting – haughty

  1. Pride is the internal mind-set
  2. Haughty is the external sign
  3. Good pride – job well done, children, grandchildren
  4. Bad pride = taking all the credit, puffed up


Fleshly Indulgence – Fullness of food

  1. I got everything I need – satisfied
    I do not need God – See Philippians 4:19 – God shall supply my needs
  2. NOT: lack of hunger, not sin to be full
  3. Sin is – focus on the material things we have – NOT on spiritual needs
  4. Rich Man – Luke 16 – fared sumptuously every day
    Problem not that he had plenty – not wiling to share with beggar


Wanton well-being – Abundance of idleness

  1. NOT: having some, enough – BUT too much
  2. Many are “bored” with life – Get out!
    Volunteer, serve, help others, work, soup kitchen, hospital



Neglect of needy

  1. Poor – those without source of income
  2. Needy – some income, need a little help
  3. Do you care? 1 John 3:17
    1. Has this world’s goods
    2. Sees a brother in need
    3. Shuts up his heart
    4. The love of God is not there



  1. Jude 7 – an example of eternal punishment that awaits
  2. 2 Peter 2:6 – example to all who live ungodly - destruction

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