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TITLE:  Accepting Jesus
TEXT:  Colossians 2:6-8
PROPOSITION:  Accepting Jesus means accepting all He taught and commanded.
KEY WORD:  Demands


  1. Many are urging people to “accept Jesus” and be saved.
  2. The problem is that they do not understand what is involved in accepting Jesus.
  3. Accepting Jesus demands that we:

Accept His Deity

  1. Virgin born – Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23
  2. Eternal nature – John 1:1-4
  3. Lord God
    1. Matthew 22:42-45 – David called him Lord
    2. John 20:28 – Thomas called him Lord and God
  4. Philippians 2:6-8 – was in the form of God, equal with God


Accept His Church, the Kingdom

  1. Matthew 16:18-19 – I will build my church, keys of kingdom
  2. Matthew 4:17 – Repent: for the Kingdom is at hand
  3. Matthew 3:1-3 – John was preparing the way for the kingdom
  4. Mark 9:1 – Some still alive when the kingdom comes
  5. Luke 24:45-49 – Wait in Jerusalem until the kingdom comes with power
  6. Acts 2 – in Jerusalem, power came, Peter preached
  7. Acts 2:47 – Saved were added to the church

 Accept His Gospel, the Word of God

  1. Gospel – Good News – a clearly defined message – different from the prophets
  2. John 8:32 – Truth will make you free
  3. Word of Jesus in Red – Bible is more than “red ink”
  4. 2 Timothy 3:16 – All writings are inspired of God


Accept His Terms of Salvation

  1. Since Jesus IS God
  2. AND Jesus became the sacrifice for MY sins – THEN:
  3. Jesus has the right and power to make demands of me.

Jesus commands us:

  1. John 8:24 – Believe in me or die in your sins
  2. Luke 13:3 – Repent or perish
  3. Matthew 10:32 – Confess me before men
  4. Mark 16:16 – Be baptized for salvation

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