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TITLE: Language of Ashdod
TEXT: Nehemiah 13:23-24
PROPOSITION: We must make sure our terminology is correct.


  1. They mingled and inter-married.
  2. In the process - They lost their pure speech.
  3. Plea of restoration - "Speak where Bible speaks"
  4. 1 Peter 4:11 "Speak as the oracles of God"

1. Historical Background.

1. Inter-married with pagan cultures.

2. Still spoke SOME of God's language.

3. Speech was mingled with "uncertain sounds".

4. They could not express the ideas of the law.

5. Could not understand the law. (today - modern versions)

2. The Problem Still Exists Today.

1. Pastor - elder, bishop, overseerer - Eph. 4:11

This church has 3 Pastors - I am not one of them.

2. Reverend - title for God, not man (Ps. 111:19)
Peter was not to be worshipped – Acts 10:26

3. Father - Matthew 23:8

4. Sacrament - for Lord's Supper, Communion

A. Dictionary - something regarded as possessing sacred character

B. Transubstantiation - elements do NOT change

C. NOTE: Same for baptism -no power in water
D. 1 John 5:6-8

  1. Sabbath - for Lord's Day - Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2
  2. Church of Christ teaches -
    1. Church does not have any teachings.
    2. Christ is head – Obey HIS teachings.

    7. Get religion - Not GET; DO - James 1:27 Pure religion

    8. One church is as good as another –

    A. Man’s vs. Man’s = correct

    B. Many say this – NOBODY believes it

    C. Man’s churches are not equal to Christ’s church

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