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TITLE: Cross of Many Colors

TEXT: John 19:14-18

PROPOSITION: A sinless Jesus died for sinful men, shedding his blood as a demonstration of his love.


KEY WORD: Colors



                1. Ad on TV - "The Crucifixion" in color.

                2. There are four colors at the cross.


1. BLACK - Sin nailed Him there.

A.      Isaiah 53:5-6, 8, 10, 12

B.       Matthew 26:28 for the remission of sins

C.       Romans 4:25 delivered for our offenses

D.      Romans 5:8 while we were yet sinners

E.       Romans 8:3 Jesus came in likeness of sinful flesh

F.       2 Corinthians 5:21 knew no sin, became sin for us

G.       Hebrews 9:28 offered to bear sins of many

H.      1 Peter 2:24 bore our sins in his body on the tree


2. WHITE - He was sinless.

A.      1 John 1:8-10 We can't claim sinlessness

B.       2 Corinthians 5:21 he, who knew no sin, became sin

C.       Hebrews 9:14 without spot offered himself to God

D.      1 Peter 3:18 the just for the unjust

E.       1 Peter 2:22 did no sin; no guile in mouth

F.       Hebrews 4:15 high priest, yet without sin

G.       Hebrews 7:26-27 separate from sinners, unlike priests

H.      John 8:46 which of you convicteth me of sin?


3. RED - Blood was shed for us.

A.      Hebrews 10:4 blood of animals - never take away sin

B.       Redemption - Colossians 1:13-14

a.        Story of boy's boat lost-bought back-twice mine

b.       1 Corinthians 6:19-20 bought with a price

C.       Remission of sins - Matthew 26:28

a.        Paid the debt, "Paid in full"

D.      Reconciliation - Ephesians 2:16 rec. both to God in 1 body

E.       Justification - Romans 5:8-9

F.       Sanctification - Hebrews 10:10; 10:29


4. SILVER - Love made it a reality.

A.      John 3:16 God SO loved the world

B.       Romans 5:8 God commends his love toward us

C.       Girl in orphanage "To 1 who finds this: I love you."

D.      Boy buys a crippled puppy. Crippled by sin!


Conclusion: WHO WOULD LOVE US?

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