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TITLE: How big is God?

TEXT: Ephesians 1:17-20

PROPOSITION: Our faith in God may limit our work for Him.


KEY WORD: Attainments



  1. A hindrance for many is their weak or dead faith.
  2. What is your view of God? How powerful (big) is your God?


Raise up children from stones

  1. Luke 3:8
  2. God does not NEED you for his work.
  3. Matthew 4:3 – Can make bread from stones
  4. Luke 19:40 – Apostles silent, stones will cry out
  5. Esther 4:14 – Silent – deliverance from another source

Keep His Promise

  1. Romans 4:21 – What he promised, able to perform
  2. 2 Corinthians 1:20 – All promises of God are Amen
  3. Song – "Standing on the Promises"

Make Grace Abound

  1. 2 Corinthians 9:8 – ALL grace, always, all sufficiency, all things, every good work
  2. Saved by grace – Ephesians 2:8-10
  3. Grace does not come from men – from God

Beyond our Dreams

  1. Ephesians 3:20 – above all that we ask or think
  2. Pray, dream, imagine, plan, set goals = God is bigger

Control (subdue) all things

  1. Philippians 3:21 – transform our lowly body
  2. Made like his – glorious body
  3. He is in control of all things – including death and the grave

Keep what is committed to him

  1. 2 Timothy 1:12 –
    1. Suffer persecution – It is OK
    2. I am not ashamed
    3. I know whom I have believed (not just what)
    4. I am persuaded – HE IS ABLE
  2. Do you have this faith?

Save to the Uttermost

  1. Hebrews 7:25 – uttermost = full, entire, complete
  2. "I am too mean for God to save me." Not true.

Keep you from stumbling

  1. Jude 24 – God can protect you from stumbling
  2. He did this for Jesus – Matthew 4:6 – from Psalm 91:11-12


  1. How big (powerful) is the God you worship and serve?
  2. Has your faith in God diminished His ability to work through you?

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