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TITLE: Just Like Mom
TEXT: Luke 13:34-35
PROPOSITION: The characteristics of motherhood are the characteristics of God.
KEY WORD: Characteristics
  1. Taste some food “Just like Mom” used to make it
  2. God wants us to know Him and his characteristics
  3. Today - Mother's Day - think about some characteristics of God.

There Is No Protector Like a Mother
  1. Animal kingdom
  2. burned - under body of hen - small chicks were alive
  3. Cats, Dogs, Possum
  4. Moses' mother - kept her son alive
  5. Mary - fled to Egypt to protect her son
  6. 1 Kings 3:16-28 - 2 harlots fight over a baby
  7. God's protection - Psalm 91:1-4

There is No Touch Like a Mother's
  1. In the family - healing, kindness
  2. Mother's kiss can make a hurt go away
  3. Jacob wrestled with angel - God touched him - changed his life
  4. God touches lives - healing, salvation
  5. God touches your life - you are never the same

There is No Forgiveness Like a Mother's Forgiveness
  1. Mother's always ready to forgive and welcome children home
  2. Jeremiah 31:34 God forgives - no matter what
  3. Luke 13:34 - As a hen gathers chicks

Mother's Day

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