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TITLE: The Other Brother

TEXT: Luke 15:25-32

PROPOSITION: The older brother was also a prodigal son.


KEY WORD: Attitudes



  1. Luke 15 – tells 3 parables – Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son
  2. Each parable is a description of a type of lost soul
    Coin = not aware he is lost
    Sheep = aware but can't find his way home
    Prodigal = aware and knows the way home
  3. Today we need to examine the 4th type of lost soul
  4. Think about the Other Brother



  1. He was angry – 28
  2. Angry at the wrong person
  3. Expressed anger in wrong way
  4. Is your anger justified? – Jonah


Childish – Pouts – Selfish

  1. Would not go in – 28
  2. Be childish in your humility, forgiveness, acceptance
  3. Do not be a child in your behavior – 1 Corinthians 13:11
  4. 1 Corinthians 14:20 – Children in malice – Mature in understanding
  5. Did not want to share – It's mine and you can't have it.


Thought love can be bought

  1. I worked all these years – no party – 29
  2. Not bribed, bought, barter



  1. You never gave me a party – 29
  2. KEY – "Never" or "Always"
  3. "Never say never"


Rejoice over sin? Vs. Forgiveness

  1. Spent his money with harlots – give him a party – 30
  2. Forgive = let go, put behind and go on from here
  3. Many claim to forgive – but do not forget


Can't rejoice

  1. It was right that we should make merry – 32
  2. It is always right to rejoice when one repents



  1. Prodigal = wasteful
  2. Younger son = wasted his living (inheritance)
  3. Other brother – wasted his life

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