TITLE: Respect for Others

TEXT: Acts 13:16-18

PROPOSITION: God will not put up with disrespect.


KEY WORD: Places



  1. God does not endure a lack of esteem, honor or respect.
  2. Today – seems to be a scarcity of respect for others.
  3. Why does there seem to be so little respect?
  4. Where is there a lack of respect visible?
  5. How can respect be returned to our lives?


  1. Not taught – Children see parents – and learn to disrespect
  2. Selfish attitude (Me first)
  3. Respect must be earned – NOT TRUE!
    Trust must be earned – respect is automatic.


  1. Home/Family – Obey parents, siblings, "Honor parents", Spouse
  2. School – Principle, teachers, custodian, coach, books
  3. Work – Boss, fellow-workers, pride in work, product care
  4. Church – teachers, elders, deacons
  5. Government – President, Congress, (rated just above used-car salesmen
  6. Shopping – crowd into lines, shove, grab, block asiles with cart
  7. Buildings – Graffitti, break windows,
  8. Property – Break, borrow and not return

How can respect be returned?

  1. Learn to respect God, Bible, church.
  2. If you respect God – other things will fall into place.

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