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TITLE: Reasons we Sin

TEXT: Numbers 20:7-12

PROPOSITION: We can learn how we sin from this example.


KEY WORD: Mistakes



1.        Moses sinned and was not allowed to enter Canaan.

2.        We need to see the mistakes Moses made here.

3.        There are several applications for Christians.

Personal loss – 1

1.        In wilderness of Zin

2.        Miriam died there.

3.        Lesson – Personal loss can change our attitudes.

Griping people – 2-4

1.        In this case it was water.

2.        Other times, water, food, danger, death, law, authority

3.        Lesson – Complainers can affect how we obey God.

Alter instructions – 8

1.        God gave clear instructions

2.        No problem with them – Clear, direct

3.        Lessons to learn –
A. Law of exclusion – A means A and not B
B. Instrumental music – Sing means sing, speak means speak
C. When God said "1st day of week" he did not mean Saturday.
D. God still loves us – He is still providing us water
E. Me! I would have let them die of thirst.

Anger – (implied)

1.        Anger is not the sin – How we handle our anger. (Ephesians 4:26)

2.        Allow those situations and people to get you angry?

3.        Who rules your life? 1 Corinthians 6:12 not under the power of any

Failure to give God the glory – 12

1.        By saying, "Must we (Moses and Aaron) bring you water"

2.        Failed to give God the glory (credit) before the assembly

3.        Lesson – Colossians 3:17 Word or deed, name of Lord, giving thanks to God
Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father

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