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Topic:  The Slippery Slope of Sin

Bible Text:  Matthew 11:28-30


·         Sin Can Take Different Forms

·         Spontaneous

·         Worldly Example of Spontaneous Action

·         The Slippery Slope

·         Worldly Example of the Slippery Slope

Slippery Slopes Can Develop in All Aspects of Life

·         Physical

·         Addictions

·         Emotional

·         Hate, Envy, Greed, etc.

·         Mental

·         Thieves, Murderers, Rapists, Terrorists

·         Spiritual

·         Biblical Examples of The Slippery Slope of Sin

·         Cain (Genesis 4)

·         King Saul (1st Samuel 18…)

·         The Apostle Paul (Acts 8, 9)

·         Those Who Crucified Christ (Mark 14, 15)

·         Good men!

·         Scholars

·         Community Leaders

Modern Day Examples of The Slippery Slope of Sin

·         Adolph Hitler

·         Osama Bin Laden

·         Saddam Hussein

·         John Allen Muhammed

·         Other Examples

All of These Examples Have a Common Theme


·         Slippery Slopes Sins Are Dangerous and Deadly

·         They Slip In and Devour Good People

·         A Slippery Slope Put Christ on the Cross

·         Love Kept Him There


This sermon outline was developed and preached by Philip Womack.

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