Bible is a Covenant

TITLE:  How to make a Covenant
TEXT:  Genesis 15:7-10
PROPOSITION:  There are many NT implications in making a covenant.
KEY WORD:  Steps


  1. Not all of the 9 steps discussed today are mentioned or included in every covenant.
  2. As you study this subject in the OT and in ancient use – you learn many important references in the NT.


  1. Exchange of Coats
    1. Coat represents oneself
    2. Put off the old man, put on the new
    3. Symbol – I give myself to you
  2. Exchange of Belts
    1. Sword, articles of warfare
    2. Represents power, might, strength
    3. Symbol – surrender to the other
  3. Cutting of the covenant
    1. Cut an animal down the backbone into 2 parts
    2. Stand in the middle (between the halves of the calf)
    3. Symbol – Do this to me if I break this covenant
  4. Cutting of the arm
    1. Make a small cut on hand, wrist, forearm
    2. Touch arms as the blood flows
    3. Symbol – We have become one, blood brothers
    4. African saying, “Blood is thicker than milk”
    5. Proverbs 18:24 “Friend” sticks closer than a brother
  5. Exchange of names
    1. We take on a new identity, new relationship
    2. American Indians – Give white man an Indian name
    3. Abram (Abraham), Sarai (Sarah), Jacob (Israel)
    4. Disciples – Christians – Acts 11:26
    5. Symbol – I have a new identity
  6. Make a scar
    1. Outward sign of the agreement
    2. Constant reminder – wedding ring, rainbow
    3. Symbol – I have “friends”. Mess with me, deal with my friend.
  7. Terms are given
    1. Before witnesses – here is what I will do, here is what you will do
    2. Blessings and Curses associated – See Deuteronomy 28
    3. Symbol – Bible (New Testament) contains the terms of the agreement
  8. Eat a memorial meal
    1. ALWAYS – break bread and fruit of the vine
    2. Bread – staff of life
    3. Fruit of the vine – blood, death
    4. Symbol – Communion is our covenant meal
  9. Present a memorial
    1. Plant a tree, grave marker, give a gift in their memory
    2. Build an altar, pile stones for a marker
    3. Symbol – Church is a living monument to our agreement

Bible is a Covenant