Bible is Covenant

The Bible

Is Covenant

We have not studied enough about the Covenant. We use the word but lack a working understanding of the term. I am planning a series of sermons (9 are planned) on the subject of Covenant.

These sermons will be a Sunday night series, preached in January - March, 2003.

Many of the thoughts, ideas and material is developed from Michael D. Inman and several other sources, books, tapes, and other sources.


What is Covenant? - The first sermon looks at the idea of covenant. The fact is that the Bible is our Covenant with God. A covenant is binding for life. Contracts expire, covenants end at death.

Covenants and Contracts - There is a difference in a legal contract and a Covenant. This sermon looks as some of the differences between contracts as we use them today as a legal document and a covenant of imposition.

David and Jonathan - The story to help us understand Covenant is woven in the history of the Old Testament books of 1 and 2 Samuel. This story illustrates how covenants were made, their importance, and their impact on others (including us).

Types of Covenants - Covenants are always a greater and a lesser. Sometimes they involve several people (marriage), sometimes between two men (Jonathan and David), but most often covenant is imposed by our Great God.

9 Steps of Covenant Making - Not all 9 are mentioned each time a covenant is made. But in the Bible all of these were part of the process. Each of the 9 steps has New Testament implications.

Covenant with Abraham - Christians are included in the covenant with Abraham. This sermon examines the terms and the method of making this covenant.

First Amendment - The Law of Moses was an addition (Galatians 3:19) to the covenant God made with Abraham. Why did God amend the covenant?

Second Amendment - After Christ fulfilled (kept the law perfectly) God made some radical changes to the covenant. This sermon looks at the changes God made in the covenant as it now stands.

Steps in the New Covenant - In an earlier lesson (9 Steps of Covenant Making) the process was discussed. This sermon makes the application to the New (amended) Covenant. Here are the 9 steps you and I make in confirming the covenant.