Why Do We - - -?

WHY DO WE - - - ?

A series of lessons preached at Cades Church of Christ in 2019


1 - Worship on Sunday                                                    2 - Partake of Communion

3 - Sing                                                                                  4 - Baptize

5 - Ignore Matthew 18                                                     6 - Pray

7 - Quit Church                                                                  8 - Discipline

9 - Reject Denominations                                               10 - Honor Mothers

11 - Claim Restoration Movement                              12 - Believe in Heaven

13 - Have Events for Children                                      14 - Practical Atheism (1)

15 - Practical Atheism (2)                                             16 - Support Orphans

17 - Suffer                                                                            18 - Have Fellowship Meals

19 - Believe the Bible                                                       20 - Believe God Exists

21 - Give                                                                                22 - Not have Cross on Building

23 - Believe in Hell                                                            24 - Support Missions

25 - Study the Bible                                                          26 - Have a Budget

27 - Misunderstand Heaven                                           28 - Follow the NT

29 - Oppose Instruments in Worship                         30 - Reject the Apocrypha

31 - Judge Not                                                                    32 - Lie